Hi Vasilis,
Thanks very much for explaining what was happening when I was adding new
USRxxx detectors and having existing plots changing their detector associations.
I had been using the "clone" option on the right-click menu on a detector card
to create new USRxxx detectors, which puts the cloned card immediately after the
existing card (assuming the order of cards shown in FLAIR is the same as the
order of cards in the .inp file).
So in the future I will either add the USRxxx detectors at the bottom of the
list in FLAIR, or if I clone one, I will move the cloned copy to the bottom
of the list and see if that maintains the integrity of the existing plot <-->
detector associations.
Thanks very much for explaining this. FLAIR is an incredibly useful tool!
On Mon, 17 Dec 2012, Vasilis Vlachoudis wrote:
> Hi Ray,
> flair in the Plots is using the index of the detector and not the name. The reason is that FLUKA allows to have multiple detectors with the same name even on the same file. Thus flair cannot make the distinction which is detector is which.
> Therefore if you insert a detector, in the same unit all indexes will be shifted by one, so the plots will contain the old index.
> The easiest is to append detectors rather than inserting them.
> One could claim that I could modify the indexes at the same time in the files, but this is not possible since the output files do no contain enough information to find out from which run it was created and with which order.
> Cheers
> Vasilis
> ________________________________________
> From: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it [owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it] on behalf of Ray F. Cowan [rfc_at_SLAC.Stanford.EDU]
> Sent: 14 December 2012 22:11
> To: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
> Subject: Question about adding detectors in FLAIR
> Hi,
> I've noticed that when I use FLAIR with several USBIN, USRBDX, and USRYIELD
> detectors, and have several plots defined as well, that sometimes if I
> define additional new USRxxx detectors that some of the existing plots will
> now have incorrect "Det:" associations in their plot menus. In effect,
> adding USRxxx detector cards in FLAIR apparently causes existing PLOT
> detector associations to change. I've found that every time I add a new
> USRxxx detector, I have to check every plot definition menu in FLAIR to
> make sure the "Det:" assignment hasn't changed. And many of them do.
> Is this a known bug in FLAIR? A known "feature"? Is there a way to
> keep FLAIR from changing existing detector <--> plot associations when
> adding new USRxxx cards?
> Thank you,
> --Ray
Received on Tue Dec 18 2012 - 09:30:09 CET
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