Dear Vahan,
In principle, you correctly implemented the USRBIN scorings for dose, Si-1MeV neutron-equivalent and high-energy hadron fluence (ie. hadrons with energies >20 MeV). However, considering that your primaries are 20 MeV electrons, not all scorings make sense.
For example, high-energy hadron fluence is relevant if one is interested in single event effects, which are of stochastic nature. In your particular case, the HADGT20M-based scoring is irrelevant as no high-energy hadrons are produced.
On the other hand, cumulative damage can be due to the deposited dose (note that DOSE scoring is actually the total dose and not the total ionizing dose, but the difference is minor in most cases, also in your application) as well as due to atom displacement. The latter is related to the non-ionizing energy loss (NIEL) and in case of silicon, displacement damage is often described in terms of 1 MeV neutron-equivalent fluence (SI1MEVNE). It should be emphasized that the fluence conversion coefficients used in SI1MEVNE are based on silicon data and hence, if you are interested in damage to other materials, you might want to consider NIEL directly (it is also possible to score NIEL in FLUKA).
At this point it really depends on what what you are actually interested in. Radiation-induced damage can range from surface damage (e.g. charge accumulation at insulation layers due to ionizing energy loss) to bulk damage (e.g. change of the doping concentration).
Also note, that the approximative correlation between dose and 1 MeV neutron-equivalent fluence shown in the attached picture only holds for a certain radiation environment, and will likely be different in your case. More specifically, the graph applies for space/high-altiude environment (and is shown as such in the course to give an example).
From: [] on behalf of vahan petrosyan []
Sent: 07 January 2013 10:29
Subject: How to Calculate Electronic Damage?
Hi I am trying calculate electronic damage when 20 Mev (or greater ) electron beam hits a sample target (Silicon).
I carefully red the article and tried to implement it myself.
Now I have couple of SIMPLE questions regarding to that
As I understood in order to calculate damages I should do following steps
1) Do calculation USERBIN and USERTRACK cards with part. type Dose, SI1MEVNE and HADGT20M
2) Take values from plots of that cards
3) Compare plots values with the chart that I attached ( See Attached Image)
I ask experts If you have time can you take a look to my input card and say what I may miss?
Many Thanks!
Received on Tue Jan 22 2013 - 10:39:35 CET