Dear Monica,
the available memory space for scoring is 360MB. With a 300x300x300 mesh
the occupancy is 216MB, still below but near.
The overall memory allocation is hard-wired in the library, you have no
possibility to change it. However, my suggestion would be to stick to the
approach you had at the beginning, a fine mesh where the distibutions aare
narrow, a coarse mesh covering tethe rest. Otherwise, the problem would be
not only memory, but also statistics, the "external" thin bins will never
be filled!
> Dear fluka users,
> We are trying to simulate a target room for radiobiological studies with a
> beam line and with concrete walls and an outside room. We have tried to
> compare two different calculations of the same problem but we are
> obtaining
> different results:
> 1.
> The proton flux in the whole assembly (10x6x6 meters, 250 bins in
> x,y,z)
> 2.
> The proton flux just in the vicinity of the beam window (45x40x40 cm,
> 250 bins in x,y,z)
> While 1 offers maximum values of 10E7 protons/cm2·s, 2 offers maximum
> values of 10E9 protons/cm·s. We have assumed that this contradiction is
> due
> to poor accuracy in 1 (not enough bins). However, when trying to run more
> than 300 bins in x, y and z the following error appears:
> ******* Stopped in usrbin: insufficient space for allocation in blank
> common *******
> We tracked down the problem and found that this message is generated
> inside libflukahp.a (more precisely, usrbin.o). The question is then if a
> modification of the library is required or if it can be fixed changing
> some
> src code in the flutil package
> We would be really grateful if someone could advise us about that.
> Thank you for your time
> Monica
> --
> Mónica Huerta Parajón
> Proton Beam Applications group
> Edificio Cosimet
> Paseo de Landabarri, 2, 1ª Planta
> 48940 Leioa - Spain
> Tfno.: +34 946 07 66 41
Paola Sala
INFN Milano
tel. Milano +39-0250317374
tel. CERN +41-227679148
Received on Sun Feb 03 2013 - 15:24:10 CET