Re: Liquid scintillator efficiency
If you use USRBIN as a function of region (WHAT2=12), then you will get
the same result. I got the following: at 4MeV 7.76E-3 +/- 0.08%, and at 20
MeV 7.66E-3 +/- 0.08%. I guess the small differences are due to reactions
inside your detector.
On 4/12/13 7:57 AM, "beatrice pomaro" <> wrote:
>Dear Fluka experts,
> I am analyzing the efficiency of a liquid scintillator and I
>can not understand why at varying the energy of the incident neutron
>beam, I do not obtain the same neutron fluence at the region of the
>By integration of the neutron spectrum there (from a USRTRACK score)
>I obtain in fact a varying neutron fluence, though not expected:
>from 5.9*10^-3 at 4MeV to 7.37*10^-3 at 20 MeV of neutron energy.
>Can you tell me what is wrong with the analysis (in attachment)? I
>would like to score efficiency as: integrated proton
>fluence/integrated neutron fluence (at varying neutron energies) but
>I do not obtain realistic results, probably due to this mismatch.
>Thanks in advance,
>Ing. Beatrice Pomaro
>Universita' degli Studi di Padova
>Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale
>Via F. Marzolo, 9 - 35131 Padova (Italy)
>tel.: +39 049 8275605
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