Re: Liquid scintillator efficiency
Thank you Dr. Santana,
I have coped with this problem, however I still do not obtain
realistic values for my efficiency; is it possible it is due to to
the neutron source? My purpose is to launch analyses for the same
geometry at varying neutron energies En in order to compute
efficiency at varying En as: integrated proton fluence/integrated
neutron fluence at the scintillator region. Is it possible that the
neutron sorce should be given by a spallation reaction on a target,
rather than a beam of neutrons, directly (which is what I did)?
Many thanks,
Il 14-04-2013 05:43 Santana, Mario ha scritto:
>If you use USRBIN as a function of region (WHAT2=12), then you will get
>the same result. I got the following: at 4MeV 7.76E-3 +/- 0.08%, and at 20
>MeV 7.66E-3 +/- 0.08%. I guess the small differences are due to reactions
>inside your detector.
>On 4/12/13 7:57 AM, "beatrice pomaro"
><<>> wrote:
>>Dear Fluka experts, I am analyzing the efficiency of a liquid
>>scintillator and I can not understand why at varying the energy of
>>the incident neutron beam, I do not obtain the same neutron fluence
>>at the region of the scinitillator. By integration of the neutron
>>spectrum there (from a USRTRACK score) I obtain in fact a varying
>>neutron fluence, though not expected: from 5.9*10^-3 at 4MeV to
>>7.37*10^-3 at 20 MeV of neutron energy. Can you tell me what is
>>wrong with the analysis (in attachment)? I would like to score
>>efficiency as: integrated proton fluence/integrated neutron fluence
>>(at varying neutron energies) but I do not obtain realistic
>>results, probably due to this mismatch. Thanks in advance,
>>Sincerely Beatrice
>>************************************************** Ing. Beatrice
>>Pomaro Universita' degli Studi di Padova Dipartimento di Ingegneria
>>Civile, Edile e Ambientale Via F. Marzolo, 9 - 35131 Padova (Italy)
>>tel.: +39 049 8275605 e-mail:
Ing. Beatrice Pomaro
Universita' degli Studi di Padova
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale
Via F. Marzolo, 9 - 35131 Padova (Italy)
tel.: +39 049 8275605
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