Dear Fluka users
Fluka2011.2b has been pushed to the web site. This is a minor
release which just add a new (and possibly important) functionality
to Fluka2011.2. A major release with signficant developments on physics
and functionality will take place either in the last quarter of this year
or the the first quarter of next year.
As it is obvious from the name, the major revision number of this release
is 2011, the minor revision number is 2, and the patch level "b". With
this patch release all FLUKA versions older or equal to 2011.2 are
obsoleted and they shall no longer be used according to the conditions
spelled out in the FLUKA license.
This release contains a few small fixes, one of critical importance for
DPA calculations, and a significant functionality improvement with respect
to Fluka2011.2.17 (the latest respin of Fluka2011.2).
Most of the fixes are likely to be irrelevant for the majority of the
users, with the exception of those interested in damage calculations,
however it is safer and recommended to immediately move to Fluka2011.2b.
The move should be painless since there is no change in the physics, apart
the new functionality which is described below.
As usual, no assistance will be provided for previous versions/releases.
The gfortran-4.5 compatible version has been discontinued in the hope that
most users has now moved to more recent versions of gfortran, and as a
result of the discovery that gfortran-4.5 miscompiles a critical geometry
routine possibly messing up valid geometry input files (users who used
this version and did not experience crashes during the geometry input
reading should not worry). If somebody is critically dependent on that
specific compiler version, let us know.
Bug fixes:
a) a serious bug in the calculation of NIEL and DPA for compounds has been
solved. Please, whoever is interested in damage calculations MUST
upgrade immediately to this release
b) an invalid spin assignment for a 14-N excited state has been corrected
c) a double counting of 137-Cs gamma lines in the radioactive emission
database has been corrected
d) few minor bugs in Dpmjet-3 have been corrected
e) the routine providing the conversion from/to geomagnetical coordinates
(used in the cosmic ray auxiliary programs) has been re-written making
it compliant with the generally accepted definition of geomagnetic
New functionality:
New extended format for voxel geometries/phantoms. Now the voxel files
can contain an arbitrary number of extra records of 80 characters
each, which are read and interpreted as ordinary input cards. This
allows to embed in the voxel files informations as material
definitions, material assignments, correction factors etc, which are
often generated by automatic programs out of a CT scan. Flair
contains tools for reading CT scans in Dicom format, and
automatically generates a voxel file containing the material and
correction factor informations according to a Hounsfield number to
material/density translation algorithm which can be tuned by the
Documentation describing how to use Flair for this purpose will
be provided soon
The FLUKA developers
| Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: + |
| CERN-EN/STI || Fax.: + |
| 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: |
| Switzerland || |
Received on Mon May 06 2013 - 19:17:30 CEST