please see
http://www.fluka.org/web_archive/earchive/new-fluka-discuss/5000.html from
past fall
Kind regards
Francesco Cerutti
CH-1211 Geneva 23
tel. ++41 22 7678962
fax ++41 22 7668854
On Wed, 1 May 2013, í르ìëìí¸ë§ë wrote:
> Dear Fluka Experts and Prof. Dr. "Alberto Fasso,
> EMail:Â Â fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
> Â
> Thank you very much for your response to our question regarding the thermal neutrons
> detection via PPAC detector.
> Â
> Upon receiving your following suggestions:
> ////////////////////////////////////=//////////////////////////////////////////
> As a default, charged fragments produced by thermal neutrons are notÂ
> transported: that is why you "see" them at the gas-gap where they areÂ
> produced, but not at the PPAC's gas gap. But for 6-Li it is possible toÂ
> make an exception by requesting pointwise cross sections: use LOW-NEUTÂ
> command with WHAT(6) = 1. (Leave all other WHATs = 0).Â
> In this way, 3-H and 4-He will be transported and will be detected farÂ
> from the production point.
> ////////////////////////////////////-//////////////////////////////////
> Â
> We employed them into out Fluka input file(attached), and tried. However we could not
> still found the 3-H and 4-He, secondaries at the gas gaps.
> Â
> Could you please have a look into our attached files.
> Â
> Â
> With best wishes,Â
> Â Dr. M. Jamil and Kim Hyun GeeÂ
> Â Konkuk University,Â
> Â EMail:Â mjamil_at_konkuk.ac.kr, erwin.hyeongi_at_gmail.com
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> _____________________________________________________________________________________
> _________________________________]
Received on Tue May 07 2013 - 13:09:20 CEST