Dear Fluka experts,
I am trying to calculate the total energy deposited by
neutron beam having energy 3 MeV in a medium containing
paraffin and boron by region binning. I have written
region binning cards for total energy deposited by all
particles, neutrons and protons.The results shows that
total energy deposited by all particles is 5.63121 MeV,
energy deposited by neutron is 2.59293 MeV and the energy
deposited by proton is 2.671504 MeV.
The protons are, believed to, recoiled form paraffin or boric acid upon
neutron collision. Then the maximum possible energy of protons are nothing
but the energy deposited by neutron beam. But the results shows that
proton energy is high.
Also the total energy deposited appears as if neutron and proton
energies are summed together though they are of common origin. Then
how to find out the total energy deposited in the medium ? I am
attaching the input file along with this mail. please help me to
solve this problem
Thanks in advance
Saneesh N
Received on Wed Jul 10 2013 - 14:04:21 CEST