This can be done with the help of source.f. Bin the energy distribution as
per the weight, create a cumulative distribution and sample it using
source.f. There have been several discussions on the topic of source.f. For
example see
and the attachments therein.
For more information on the source sub routine, please see the various
course materials, such as
Hope it helps.
Good luck!
On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 2:08 PM, <Kine.Johnsen_at_student.uib.no> wrote:
> Dear FLUKA experts,
> I want to hit a water target with a proton pencil beam of different
> energies.
> I want the beam to have a distribution of discrete energies (for
> example from 110 MeV to 130 Mev) with an energy interval of (let's
> say) 5 MeV. The beam with the highest energy should have the highest
> weight, and the beam with the lowest energy should have the lowest
> weight (given by a formula).
> How can I solve this? Can I use the source.f user routine to do this?
> Any help would be much appreciated :-)
> Best regards,
> Kine Johnsen
Received on Thu Jul 11 2013 - 16:12:48 CEST