Hi Eleni,
you probably have very high standard for plot's aesthetics. I know, once you have
a plot in a vectorial format the rest is on your tools and fantasy.
for Flair:
- plotting geometry with Flair (not Geoedit) will allow you to produce an eps file which you can turn into a pdf.
- For the Flair USRBIN/USRTRACK/etc. part, I personally use ROOT for most of my 1/2D plot non involving geometries.
for Geoedit
- no vectorial graphics sorry… (maybe this will added in future). One of the drawback of raytracing.
- an hint maximise the layout you are interest before exporting the layout to a png. Convert it into jpg by yourself
using your preferred OS and keeping the quality to the best. Having a 1000x600 png file will not look bad at all
in a paper but most probably you won't be able to make a two column fig out of it. We should probably add an in
future an option to save a custom "virtual" layer of a used defined dimension.
AFAIK a resolution of >300 dpi is a must for all the journals, few others request 600dpi.
Never heard of more unless it's an photo where details are important.
Dr. Vittorio Boccone - University of Geneva
o Address:
UniGe: Département de physique nucléaire et corpusculaire
24 Quai Ernest-Ansermet, CH-1211 Geneve 4, Switzerland
CERN: CERN, CH-1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland
o E-mail:
o Phone:
Mobile: +41 76 487 5737
UniGe: +41 22 379 6357/6353
CERN: +41 22 767 5821
On 30 Jul 2013, at 15:43, Eleni Aza <eleni.aza_at_cern.ch<mailto:eleni.aza_at_cern.ch>> wrote:
Dear FLUKA experts,
I would like to save the plots produced with FLAIR/Geoviewer in high quality. Jpeg and gif makes them a little blur and not presentable at my standards. Since journals etc. require .jpg and/or 1000dpi, is it possible to save it in a better quality than the default one, for example in .pdf?
Thank you
Aza Eleni
Received on Thu Aug 01 2013 - 14:56:11 CEST