RE: (Anti)Neutrino issues
2013 02:32:56 +0200 (CEST)
Hi Ali
probably myself and Alberto were not clear enough.
As you know, neutrinos are almost non-interacting particles, therefore for all NORMA runs, neutrinos are indeed tracked like rays. They do not interact.
If you want to simulate neutrino interactions, you need to use them as PRIMARY particle. When you do so, the program DOES NOT track thhe neutrinos. It just takes them where the user decides and generates a neutrio interaction in this pointr. Then, all the secondary particles produced in this neutrino interactions are tracked, in the materilas, they can interact again, deposit energy etc.
So : there is no neutrino "attenuation", there is either neutrino immediate interaction. or neutrino tracking like rays.
From: [] on behalf of Ali Koosha []
Sent: 21 August 2013 23:10
Cc:; Vasilis Vlachoudis
Subject: Re: (Anti)Neutrino issues
Thank you Alberto and Paola,
Your points are quite satisfactory regarding the various aspects of my quest=
ions. I should say that (not surprisingly) Alberto's answers are FULLY consi=
stent with the user's manual and truly elaborates contents therein. However,=
there still remains some problems which needs clarifications.
For the moment my observation is this:
There is only one possible mode to do a neutrino run: activating the (anti)n=
eutrino tracking option via the DISCARD card. The simulation in this mode wi=
ll results in huge attenuation to neutrinos and moreover, production of a va=
st group of secondary particles. This is strictly in contrast to the documen=
tation which states that neutrino works like RAYS and/or GEANTINO which inde=
ed means that the tracking/transport process would be without any further in=
teraction with media (materials). This also would mean that the observed pat=
hs should be a straight line for each neutrino.
What remains is that how one should deal with the neutrino and its secondar=
ies fluxes (energy distribution and spatial variation/attenuation)? I meant t=
hat (as there is a force to interact neutrinos near the beam spot) what is t=
he relation between Fluka results and in the nature.
Ali Koosha=
Received on Fri Aug 23 2013 - 15:48:47 CEST
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