Hi everybody,
today I stepped by chance in this minor cold case, but I think the solution still belongs here.
The scripts for Fluka install use the awk command line tools.
The problem lays on version the "awk" command line tools; Ubuntu by default installs one which comes directly from the far far '96.
All the modern Linux distributions place the "gawk" instead of the original one, which of course evolved in time.
The old one misses an option in the string parsing which is used by the installer.
A sudo apt-get install gawk will fix the problem on all Ubuntu.
From: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it [owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it] on behalf of Nunzio Tino Burgio [nunzio.burgio_at_enea.it]
Sent: 11 April 2013 10:16
To: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
Subject: Re: Problems in fluka scripts with Ubuntu 12.04
Hi all
I have successfully installed the last version of FLUKA (32 bit) on
LUBUNTU 64 bit( a frugal version of UBUNTU 12.10 ) using the g77.
UBUNTU 12.XX versions move from bash to dash shell causing some problem
to various installation scripts. In order to maintain the full
compatibility with the past version of UBUNTU and with other
distributions I made the following change (As root user):
mv /bin/sh /bin/sh.orig
ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh
Hope it helps in your case.
On Thu, 2013-04-11 at 09:16 +0200, Giuseppe Battistoni wrote:
> Dear FLUKA colleagues
> trying to use FLUKA on a very recent Ubuntu version (12.04) we found a problem
> using compilation scripts for user routines (Fluka version is gfortran 64 bit, but this seems not relevant,
> installed from scratch, FLUFOR is set to gfortran)
> For example:
> $FLUPRO/flutil/fff usrini.f
> awk: line 0: regular expression compile failed (missing '(') )
> /home/aafke/FLUKA_ubuntu/flutil/fff: 92: [: -le: unexpected operator
> /home/aafke/FLUKA_ubuntu/flutil/fff: 109: /home/aafke/FLUKA_ubuntu/flutil/fff: [[: not found
> We reconstructed that this occurs within ffluka.sh (called by fff) and
> apparently it seems like if awk behaves (unexpectedly) in way which is different
> from ordinary.
> The same scripts of course run without problem if we install the same
> FLUKA version on other Linux distributions (Fedora, Scientific Linux, CentOS, etc.)
> Any idea?
> Giuseppe Battistoni and Aafke Kraan
Dr. Nunzio Burgio
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Received on Fri Mar 14 2014 - 16:53:32 CET