[fluka-discuss]: What is really happening when requesting Cf-252 decay?

From: wurth <wurth_at_ipno.in2p3.fr>
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 14:28:44 +0200

Dear Fluka users and developers,

I’m interested in Cf-252 photon external exposure.

One way I tried to: by activating fluka decay semi-analogue mode and
defining Cf-252 as a source with BEAM card and SDUM=ISOTOPE.

First, Flair does not like very much my HI-PROPE value for A (= 252.
(invalid input value)), but FLUKA runs anyway (with Z = 98. & A = 252.
in HI-PROPE are recognized in the echo output in *.out).

Did a simple setup, cylindrical isotropic source in Teflon vessel,
nothing complicated (files attached if needed).

And I got results, some decay scheme is clearly simulated ; it seems to
work just fine, but… I’m not sure what is really calculated here and I
was hoping that someone could share some wisdom on that matter.

I know that so far decay mode doesn’t involve alpha and fission products
decays, only beta + and – decays with associated photon emissions.
So the first non alpha emitter daughter of Cf-252 chain is U-240 (after
3 alpha decays) which is beta – emitter, this goes on by various decays
till joining Th-232 decay chain.

When I score photon fluence in a usrtrack card in a region containing my
source I got a peak at ~ 2614.5 keV which is a known peak from Tl-208
related to Thorium.

Thanks in advance for any hint, comment.


Received on Mon Jun 02 2014 - 15:55:32 CEST

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