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FLUKA: 1.3} Transport Previous Index Next

1.3} Transport


  * Condensed history tracking for charged particles, with single scattering
  * Time cutoff.
  * Legendre angular expansion for low-energy neutron scattering.
  * Transport of charged particles in magnetic and electric fields.

  Transport limits:
                   Secondary particles   Primary particles
   charged hadrons  1 keV-20 TeV (*)   100 keV-20 TeV (*) (**)
   neutrons        thermal-20 TeV (*)  thermal-20 TeV (*)
   antineutrons     1 keV-20 TeV (*)    10 MeV-20 TeV (*)
   muons            1 keV-1000 TeV     100 keV-1000 TeV (**)
   electrons        1 keV-1000 TeV      70 keV-1000 TeV (low-Z materials) (**)
                                       150 keV-1000 TeV (hi-Z materials) (**)
   photons         100 eV-10000 TeV      1 keV-10000 TeV
   heavy ions         <10000 TeV/n         <10000 TeV/n
   (*) upper limit 10 PeV with the DPMJET interface
   (**) lower limit 10 keV in single scattering mode

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