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FLUKA: 13.2.34} usrrnc.f USeR Residual NuClei Previous Index Next

13.2.34} usrrnc.f USeR Residual NuClei


     Argument list:
          IZ            : atomic number of the residual nucleus
          IA            : mass number of the residual nucleus
          IS            : isomeric state of the residual nucleus
          X, Y, Z       : particle position
          MREG          : number of the current region
          WEE           : particle weight
          ICALL         : internal code calling flag (not for general use)

 Subroutine USRRNC is called every time a residual nucleus is produced, if
 option USERWEIG has been requested with 
> 0. If name-based input is being used, the name corresponding to MREG can be obtained via a call to routine GEOR2N: CALL GEOR2N (NUMREG, NAMREG, IERR) where NUMREG (input variable) is the region number, and NAMREG (returned variable) is the corresponding region name (to be declared as CHARACTER*8). IERR is a returned error code: if = 0, the conversion is successful. See example in the description of BXDRAW above.

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