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FLUKA: 13.2.4} endscp.f: ENergy density DiStributed - Change of Positions Previous Index Next

13.2.4} endscp.f: ENergy density DiStributed - Change of Positions


     Argument list (all variables are input only):
          IJ     : particle type (input only)
          NTRUCK : number of step points (input only)
          XTRUCK,YTRUCK,ZTRUCK : particle step points, can be modified by user
          MREG   : region number (input only)
          LLO    : particle generation (input only)
          ICALL  : internal code calling flag (not for general use)

 Subroutine ENDSCP allows to shift by a user-defined distance the energy which
 is being deposited along a step or several step binning portions, by providing
 new segment endpoints. A typical application is to simulate an instrument drift.

 If name-based input is being used, the name corresponding to MREG
 can be obtained via a call to routine GEOR2N:
 where NUMREG (input variable) is the region number, and NAMREG
 (returned variable) is the corresponding region name (to be declared
 as CHARACTER*8). IERR is a returned error code: if = 0, the conversion
 is successful. See example in the description of BXDRAW below.

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