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FLUKA: 2.5.3} Binning estimator Previous Index Next

2.5.3} Binning estimator


 To analyse the binary output from USRBIN, two programs are needed, both
 available in $FLUPRO/flutil. The first, usbsuw.f, performs a statistical
 analysis of the results and produces a new unformatted file, with a name
 chosen by the user. The second program, usbrea.f, reads the latter file and
 writes on a formatted file two arrays, namely the content of each bin,
 averaged over the given number of runs, followed by the corresponding errors
 in percent. The second USRBIN detector defined in example.inp gives the
 following values of energy deposition (in GeV/cm3):

    Cartesian binning n.   1  "Edeposit  " , generalized particle n.  208
       X coordinate: from -1.0000E+01 to  1.0000E+01 cm,    20 bins ( 1.0000E+00 cm wide)
       Y coordinate: from -1.0000E+01 to  1.0000E+01 cm,    20 bins ( 1.0000E+00 cm wide)
       Z coordinate: from  0.0000E+00 to  5.0000E+00 cm,     5 bins ( 1.0000E+00 cm wide)
       Data follow in a matrix A(ix,iy,iz), format (1(5x,1p,10(1x,e11.4)))

       accurate deposition along the tracks requested
        1.7164E-07  3.4587E-07  2.1976E-07  3.0997E-07  1.4963E-07  3.5431E-07  .....
        5.6597E-07  7.5792E-07  3.6563E-07  2.7822E-07  2.6084E-07  2.8645E-07  .....
        2.6191E-07  1.6716E-07  3.8680E-07  2.4925E-07  4.2334E-07  3.5025E-07  .....

 and the following corresponding percentage errors:

      Percentage errors follow in a matrix A(ix,iy,iz), format (1(5x,1p,10(1x,e11.4)))

       1.3936E+01  4.3211E+01  3.0601E+01  2.2874E+01  1.7783E+01  2.7942E+01  .....
       1.6548E+01  1.2291E+01  1.4539E+01  2.4576E+01  2.7828E+01  1.7247E+01  .....
       2.2423E+01  1.7258E+01  2.0349E+01  3.7997E+01  2.6855E+01  2.9230E+01  .....

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