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FLUKA: 8.2.2} Geometry Title line Previous Index Next

8.2.2} Geometry Title line

 Three variables are input in the CG Title line: IVLFLG, IDBG, TITLE.
 The format is (2I5,10X,A60).
 The first integer value (IVLFLG = Input VoLume FLaG) is a flag to
 indicate how to normalise the quantities scored in regions by the
 FLUKA option SCORE:

    IVLFLG = 0 means that no normalisation must be performed (output
               values are total stars or total energy deposited in each

    IVLFLG = 1 and IVLFLG = 2 are reserved for future use and they have
               currently no meaning in FLUKA.

    IVLFLG = 3 means that the scores must be normalised dividing by region
               volumes input by the user just before the GEOEND card.

 The second integer value can be used to modify the format with which
 body and region data are read:

    IDBG  = 0 or 10 : default fixed format for both bodies and regions
          =  -10 : high-accuracy fixed format for bodies; default fixed region
          = -100 : high-accuracy fixed format for bodies; region fixed format
                   allowing more than 10000 regions
          =  100 : default fixed format for bodies; region fixed format allowing
                   more than 10000 regions
          Note however that the maximum number of regions is dimensioned to
          10000 in INCLUDE file (DIMPAR).
          Any other IDBG value should be avoided. The value of IDBG is
          irrelevant if free geometry format has been requested (see the GLOBAL

 The remaining 60 characters can be used for any alphanumeric string at
 the user's choice.
 If fixed format is not used, the value of IDBG is irrelevant.

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