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FLUKA: 9.5.8} USRTRACK output Previous Index Next

9.5.8} USRTRACK output


 Option USRTRACK produces either formatted or unformatted output (for the
 latter, see USRTRACK description for instructions on how to read it).

 As for most other estimators, a complete description in
 clear of the requested scoring is printed also on the standard
 output. For instance:

    Track n.   1  "tklogchb  " , generalised particle n.  202, region n.     6
       detector volume:  4.0000E+01 cm**3
       logar. energy binning from  1.0000E-11 to  1.0000E+00 GeV,  1000 bins (ratio : 1.0257E+00)
       data will be printed on unit  -23 (unformatted if < 0)

 After the title and date, and one line reporting the total number of particles and their weight,
 the header of the formatted output is very similar to the above text:

  *****  Test tracklength/coll. reading program for the manual                             *****

            DATE: 10/25/ 4,  TIME: 10:32:59

           Total number of particles followed   10000, for a total weight of  1.0000E+04


    Track n.   5  "tklogchf  " , generalised particle n.  202, region n.     6
       detector volume:  4.0000E+01 cm**3
       logar. energy binning from  1.0000E-11 to  1.0000E+00 GeV,  1000 bins (ratio : 1.0257E+00)
       Data follow in a vector A(ie), format (1(5x,1p,10(1x,e11.4)))

 As for most other estimators, the matrix is easily read and manipulated by a simple
 program, using the format reported in the header. It can also be cut and pasted into
 a spreadsheet.

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