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FLUKA: USRTRACK Previous Index Next


    defines a detector for a track-length fluence estimator


    The full definition of the detector may require two successive cards
    (the second card, identified by the character '&' in any column > 70,
    must be given unless the corresponding defaults are accepted)

   For all 
's except EN-NUCL and ENERGY: First card:
= i1 + i4 * 10000, where i1, i4, have the following meaning: i1 = 1.0 : linear energy binning = -1.0 : logarithmic energy binning i4 = 0.0 : group-wise scoring for low energy neutrons =+/-1.0 : point-wise scoring for low energy neutrons
= 1.0 (linear binning, groupwise scoring)
= (generalised) particle type to be scored
= 201.0 (all particles)
= logical output unit: > 0.0 : formatted data are written on
unit < 0.0 : unformatted data are written on |
| unit Values of |
| < 21 should be avoided (with the exception of +11).
= standard output unit
> 0: region defining the detector = -1: all regions (see Note 8)
= 1.0
= volume of the detector in cm**3
= 1.0
= number of energy bins
= 10.0
= any character string (not containing '&') identifying the track-length detector. Max. 10 characters. Continuation card:
= maximum kinetic energy for scoring (GeV)
: Beam momentum value according to the BEAM option (if no BEAM card is given, 200 GeV)
= minimum kinetic energy for scoring (GeV) (default: 0 if linear binning, 0.001 GeV otherwise) Note that the lowest energy limit of the last neutron group is 1.E-14 GeV (1.E-5 eV) for the 260 data set.
: not used
= & in any position in column 71 to 78 For
= EN-NUCL: The energy scale for all USRTRACK estimators will be changed from energy to energy per nucleon (for particles with baryon number = 0 or 1, i.e. all elementary hadrons and leptons, nothing will be changed). For
= ENERGY: the energy scale for all USRTRACK estimators will be changed to the default, that is total kinetic energy.
(option not given): no tracklength estimator detector IMPORTANT! ----------
1) IMPORTANT! The results of USRTRACK are always given as DIFFERENTIAL distributions of fluence (or tracklength, if the detector region volume is not specified) in energy, in units of cm-2 GeV-1 (or cm GeV-1) per incident primary unit weight. Thus, for example, when requesting a fluence energy spectrum, to obtain INTEGRAL BINNED results (fluence in cm-2 or tracklength in cm PER ENERGY BIN per primary) one must multiply the value of each energy bin by the width of the bin (even for logarithmic binning). This is done automatically by the dedicated post-processing utility program USTSUW (see Note 7). 2) If the generalised particle is 208 (ENERGY) or 211 (EM-ENRGY), the quantity scored is differential energy fluence (or tracklength, if the detector region volume is not specified), expressed in GeV per cm2 (or cm GeV) per energy unit per primary. That can sometimes lead to confusion since GeV cm-2 GeV-1 = cm-2, where energy does not appear. Note that integrating over energy one gets GeV/cm2. 3) The maximum number of tracklength + collision detectors (see option USRCOLL) that the user can define is 2500. 4) The logical output unit for the estimator results (
of the first USRTRACK card) can be any one of the following: - the standard output unit 11: estimator results will be written on the same file as the standard FLUKA output - a pre-connected unit (via a symbolic link on most UNIX systems, ASSIGN under VMS, or equivalent commands on other systems) - a file opened with the FLUKA command OPEN - a file opened with a Fortran OPEN statement in a user-written initialisation routine such as USRINI, USRGLO or SOURCE (see 13}) - a dynamically opened file, with a default name assigned by the Fortran compiler (typically fort.xx or ftn.xx, with xx equal to the chosen logical output unit number). The results of several USRTRACK and USRCOLL detectors in a same FLUKA run can be written on the same file, but of course only if they are all in the same mode (all formatted, or all unformatted). It is also possible in principle to write on the same file the results of different kinds of estimators (USRBDX, USRBIN, etc.) but this is not recommended, especially in the case of an unformatted file, because it would make very difficult any reading and analysis. 5) When scoring neutron fluence, and the requested energy interval overlaps with the structure of the low energy neutron groups, one gets two separate tables. In the lower one, interval boundaries are forced to coincide with group boundaries. For the upper one, the program uses the input energy limits and number of intervals to estimate the desired interval width. The number of intervals above the upper limit of the first low-energy neutron group is recalculated according to such width, which is readjusted to match the number of intervals with the least greater integer. Note that the lowest energy limit of the last neutron group is 1.E-14 GeV (1.E-5 eV) for the 260-group data set. All group energy boundaries are listed in Table}. 6) If the scored fluence is that of a generalised particle which includes neutrons (e.g. ALL-PART, ALL-NEUT, NUCLEONS, NUC&PI+-, HAD-NEUT, and even ENERGY), the spectrum is also presented in two separate tables. One table refers to all non-neutron particles and to neutrons with energies above the upper limit of the first low-energy neutron group (20 MeV). In case an interval crosses 20 MeV, it will include the contribution of neutrons with energy > 20 MeV and not that of neutrons with energy < 20 MeV. The second table refers only to low-energy neutrons and its interval structure is that of the neutron energy groups. 7) A program USTSUW is available with the normal FLUKA code distribution in directory $FLUPRO/flutil. USTSUW reads USRTRACK results in binary form from several runs and allows to compute standard deviations. It returns differential and cumulative fluence, with the corresponding percent errors, in a file, and differential fluence in another file formatted for easy plotting. It also returns a binary file that can be read out in turn by USTSUW. The content of this file is statistically equivalent to that of the sum of the files used to obtain it, and it can replace them to be combined with further output files if desired (the USTSUW program takes care of giving it the appropriate weight). 8) Setting
= -1 will provide the sum of the track-lengths in all regions, divided by the value set by the user for
USRTRACK 1.0 PHOTON -24.0 16.0 4500.0 150.PhotFlu USRTRACK 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. &
* Calculate photon fluence spectrum in region 16 from 0 to 1.5 GeV, in
* 150 linear energy intervals. Write unformatted results on
* unit 24. The volume of region 16 is 4500 cm3.

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