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FLUKA: DETECT Previous Index Next


    Scores energy deposition on an event by event basis (detector), providing
    coincidence and anti-coincidence capabilities such as those of a trigger.

    In the following, an "event" means energy deposited in one or more DETECTOR
    REGIONS by one primary particle and its descendants, i.e. between two
    successive calls to the FEEDER subroutine (case of an incident beam) or to a
    user-written SOURCE subroutine (case of an extended source, or of a source
    read from a collision file or sampled from a distribution).
    A "signal" means energy deposited in one or more TRIGGER REGIONS by the same
    primary particle and descendants (i.e., between the same calls).
    The output of DETECT is a distribution of energy deposited per event in the
    region(s) making up the detector in (anti)coincidence with a signal larger
    than a given cutoff or threshold in the trigger region(s).
    It is also possible to define DETECTOR COMBINATIONS. [NOT YET IMPLEMENTED!!]

    This option can extend over several sequential cards. The meaning of the
    parameters on the first card are:

<= 0.0 for a detector, > 0.0 for a combination of detectors If
<= 0.0: |
|= number of channels if >1024. Otherwise, number of channels is 1024.
= minimum total energy to be scored in the detector regions in one event, i.e. lower limit of the event distribution.
: 0.0
= maximum total energy to be scored in the detector regions in one event, i.e. upper limit of the event distribution No default
= cutoff energy for the signal (coincidence/anticoincidence threshold). The energy deposition event is scored only if a total of more than
GeV are/aren't correspondingly deposited in the trigger regions.
: 1.E-9 (= 1 eV)
= > 0.0 : the detector regions, taken together, must be considered in COINCIDENCE with the trigger regions (also taken together) <= 0.0 : the detector regions must be considered in ANTI-COINCIDENCE with the trigger regions
: anti-coincidence
= region number or name not preceded by a minus sign: first region of the DETECTOR region number or name preceded by a minus sign: first region of the TRIGGER (the other regions will be given with continuation cards, see below). No default
= detector name (max. 10 characters) unless the character "&" is present Continuation card (if present):
= same as
for the first card WHAT(2-6) = following regions (with sign). If not preceded by a minus sign, they are considered detector regions, otherwise trigger regions
= "&" in any position in column 71 to 78 (or in the last field if free format is used)
if no trigger region is given (i.e. no region with negative sign) a simple event-by-event scoring takes place. * Start_Devel_seq If
: first detector to be considered for this combination, in coincidence if
is not preceded by a minus sign, in anticoincidence otherwise
: ignored
: second detector to be considered for this combination, in coincidence if
is not preceded by a minus sign, in anticoincidence otherwise
: ignored
: third detector to be considered for this combination, in coincidence if
is not preceded by a minus sign, in anticoincidence otherwise
: ignored
: fourth detector to be considered for this combination, in coincidence if
is not preceded by a minus sign, in anticoincidence otherwise
: ignored
: fifth detector to be considered for this combination, in coincidence if
is not preceded by a minus sign, in anticoincidence otherwise
: ignored
= combination name (max. 10 characters) unless the character "&" is present Continuation card (if present):
= same as
for the first card WHAT(2-6) = following detectors (with sign). If not preceded by a minus sign, they are considered in coincidence, otherwise in anti-coincidence
= "&" in any position (or in the last field if free format is used) * End_Devel_seq
(option DETECT not requested): no (anti)coincidence scoring
1) Output from DETECT is written unformatted on logical unit 17. A program, DETSUW, is available with the normal FLUKA code distribution in the directory $FLUPRO/flutil. DETSUW allows to combine the results of several runs, and returns the results in both an unformatted and a formatted files. * Start_Devel_seq To recover the output, it is necessary to run a Fortran program containing the following lines: ......................................... CHARACTER*80 RUNTIT, RUNTIM*32, CHNAME*10 INTEGER*4 NCASE, NDET, NBIN, IV(1024) REAL EMIN, EBIN, ECUT ......................................... ......................................... READ(17) RUNTIT, RUNTIM, WEIPRI, NCASE READ(17) NDET, CHNAME, NBIN, EMIN, EBIN, ECUT READ(17) (IV(I), I = 1, NBIN) ......................................... This is the meaning of variables read: RUNTIT: title of the job (as given by input option TITLE) RUNTIM: time of the job (printed also at the beginning of the main output) WEIPRI: total weight of the primary particles NCASE: number of primary particles NDET: detector number CHNAME: detector name (=
of the first DETECT card) NBIN: number of energy bins (presently fixed = 1024) EMIN: minimum total energy (=
of the first DETECT card) EBIN: width of each energy bin ECUT: cutoff energy for the signal (=
of the first DETECT card) The NBIN values IV(I) are the spectrum channels, or energy bins. * End_Devel_seq 2) Important: option DETECT will give meaningful results ONLY when FLUKA is used in a completely analogue mode, since correlations are destroyed by biasing. Thus, DETECT cannot be used together with any biasing option or weight-changing facility. It is recommended for this purpose to issue a GLOBAL command with
< 0.0 at the beginning of input (see GLOBAL). A list of incompatible options is: BIASING, EMF-BIAS, LOW-BIAS, LAM-BIAS, WW-FACTOr, EMFCUT with
> 0, EMF with
<> 1, EXPTRANS, LOW-DOWN. Example (number-based):
DETECT 0.0 1.E-4 1.E-2 5.E-5 1.0 7.0 Coincid_1 DETECT 0.0 -9.0 -12.0 10.0 11.0 &
* The meaning of the above lines is the following:
* a "signal" equal to energy deposition in regions 7 + 10 + 11 will be
* scored if:
* 1) that signal is larger than 1.E-4 GeV and smaller than 0.01 GeV
* 2) at the same time (in coincidence) an energy deposition of at least
* 5.0E-5 GeV occurs in regions 9 + 12
* The output will give a signal (event) spectrum between the energy
* limits 1.0E-4 and 0.010 GeV, distributed over a fixed number of channels
* (1024 in the standard version).
The same example, name-based:
DETECT 0.0 1.E-4 1.E-2 5.E-5 1.0 The7thRg Coincid_1 DETECT 0.0 -The9thRg -Region12 Region10 Region11 &

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