2006-2019 CERN INFN
For comments, suggestions, recommendations or questions related to the
program please contact the author to the following address:
Bug Reporting
If you see in the output a traceback from python please sent it to the
author by filling the following form, with your contact information
a short description on how to repeat the problem and a copy of the
Constructive critism, comments, ideas and help on the program are
more than welcome. Below you can find a list of topics that help is needed:
Python Programming
- Dialogs for plotting information
- Geometry operations and optimisation
- Web based database for sharing resources with other users
- ...
Input Editor
- Cards Layout, in other formats (from 3 up to 8 columns)
- Labels have to be intuitive, if something is not comprehensible please propose an alternative
- Features to enhance editing and error correction
Geometry Editor
- Multi-threading
- Enhanced 3D ray-tracing
- OpenGL
- Userdump drawing
- Edge detection on 3D
- ...
Manual, Online documentation, Tips database
- Icons for tool bars and cards
- Gnuplot scripts or ideas for better presentation
- Comments & Ideas, on new features that one wants to see
- Testing, Bug reporting
- ...
For comments and changes send e-mail to
Last modified 28/05/22