TRIUMF2012 Course:
Fluka Release
2nd Fluka Advanced Course and WorkshopSeptember 15-20, 2012 Registration Closed Hotel Reservation:The venue will be the conference facilities of the Coast Plaza Hotel located in downtown Vancouver, close to the beaches of English Bay and the world-famous Stanley Park.![]() Confirmed participants must arrange their own accommodation with the hotel. September is still prime tourist season for Vancouver and accommodation can be pricey. We have arranged for a variety of rooms at the Coast Plaza at discounted rates starting from $149CAD plus taxes per night and will be available for several days before and after the course for those who wish to stay in Vancouver longer. Please mention the FLUKA Advanced Course when reserving your room.
Group dates: September 11 to September 25, 2012 Group code: CPS-GFC3791716 Booking link: Toll free - 1-800-663-1144 Anyone who would like an upgraded room should contact the hotel directly and use the group code to receive the discounted rates.
Other types of rooms are also available; please contact either the hotel or a member of the local organizing committee for rates.
Last updated: 5th of July, 2012 |
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