
-- Fluka Release
( 16.10.2024 )

FLUKA 2024.1.2 has been released.
New FLUKA reference, please read and cite it:
F. Ballarini et al., The FLUKA code: Overview and new developments, EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 10, 16 (2024)

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2nd Fluka Advanced Course and Workshop

September 15-20, 2012
Registration Closed
The second FLUKA advanced course and workshop will be held in Vancouver, Canada, from 15 to 20 September 2012. Unlike previous courses, it will run from Sunday through Thursday with setup and a welcome reception on Saturday.

The event is organized with the support of TRIUMF and the Canadian Light Source.

The course program will cover advanced topics in FLUKA, with lectures and challenging exercises.
The students will learn how to:

  • build complex geometries with repetitions;
  • deal with voxel structures;
  • implement magnetic fields;
  • precisely set the simulation parameters;
  • get the best out of the FLUKA scoring;
  • tailor the bias settings;
  • program user routines;
  • ...and much more
During the workshop the users will present and share their experiences, problems and personal solutions.

Prior Knowledge

This is an advanced course in FLUKA and therefore participants must already be capable of performing FLUKA simulations. In addition, all participants must arrive with the latest versions of FLUKA and Flair working on their laptops. Nevertheless, some laptops will be available for renting. Please check the appropriate box in the application form.

Course Fee

The course fee is estimated to be $975CAD which includes the welcome reception on Saturday, a hot breakfast and two coffee breaks each course day on Sunday through Thursday, and transportation from the venue hotel to and from TRIUMF for a tour and barbeque. It also covers the travel and lodging costs of the instructors, as well as the classroom and equipment rental. Please notice that your logding costs are not included. Agreed fares are indicated here.


It is anticipated that we can manage 35 to 40 participants in the course and may have to limit attendance. As such, those wanting to participate should indicate their interest by filling the application form as soon as possible, without paying the registration fee. The FLUKA instructors will then notify those accepted, after which the registration fee must be paid. A waiting list will be maintained in case there are any cancellations.


Application and abstract submission can be done by completing the application form online.

The number of places being limited, applicants will receive confirmation shortly after the deadline.

People proposing a presentation for the workshop (to be focused on FLUKA applications with particular emphasis on the implementation challenges, the adopted recipes and possible criticalities), will in principle get priority.

Last updated: 8th of June, 2012

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