
-- Fluka Release
( 27.01.2025 )

FLUKA 2024.1.3 has been released.
New FLUKA reference, please read and cite it:
F. Ballarini et al., The FLUKA code: Overview and new developments, EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 10, 16 (2024)

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1st Fluka Advanced Course and Workshop

October 4-8, 2010
Application Completed

The first FLUKA advanced course and workshop will be held in Ericeira, Portugal, during the week October 4th-8th.

The event is organised with the precious collaboration of ITN Lisbon and in particular of Prof. P. Vaz.

The course program will cover advanced topics in FLUKA, with lectures and challenging exercises. The students will learn how to build complex geometries with repetitions, voxel structures, magnetic fields; how to precisely set the simulation parameters; how to get the best out of the FLUKA scoring; how to tailor the bias settings; how to program user routines...and more

During the workshop the users will present and share their experiences, problems and personal solutions.

Course Fee

  • The course fee will be in between 750 and 1100 CHF, depending on options. See the dedicated page for details


No more places available


The venue is in the lecture hall of the Hotel Vila Galé in Ericeira. The confirmed participants are kindly asked to proceed with their own accommodation, the proposed hotel is Vila Galé ERICEIRA **** where a special price is arranged for the event through the ABREU agency.

Prior Knowledge

This is an advanced course in FLUKA, therefore beginners who wish to participate are invited to practice in the use of FLUKA before the workshop.


Participants are kindly requested to come with their personal laptops, where the latest versions of FLUKA and Flair are supposed to be installed and working. Nevertheless, some laptops will be available for renting. Please check the appropriate box in the application form.

Last updated: 5th of August, 2010

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