Last version:
FLUKA 2024.1.2, October 16th 2024
(last respin 2024.1.2)
flair-2.3-0e 06-May-2024


-- Fluka Release
( 16.10.2024 )

FLUKA 2024.1.2 has been released.
New FLUKA reference, please read and cite it:
F. Ballarini et al., The FLUKA code: Overview and new developments, EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 10, 16 (2024)

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Relations with other particle transport codes


What relation exists between FLUKA and EGS?


In 1985, EGS was interfaced to the old FLUKA (the version which became known as FLUKA86), four years before the modern FLUKA was born. For several years, starting in 1989, many changes were made to the treatment of electrons and photons in the new code, eliminating approximations, modifying the existing physical models, adding new effects and introducing new sampling techniques.

The two codes EGS and EMF (ElectroMagnetic Fluka) where already de facto two independent codes in 1992. Only some commonalities in a few parts of the cross section preprocessor were left: EMF had revised new physics for many processes.

The cross section preprocessor PEMF, although strongly modified, has kept a memory of the EGS equivalent PEGS preprocessor until 2005. In the meantime, the EGS program itself was modified by its authors in completely different and independent directions. The story of the development of the EMF part of FLUKA is narrated in detail in the Manual (section 16.4.10 of the Yellow Report CERN-2005-10).


What relation exists between FLUKA and GEANT?


The hadronic event generator of the FLUKA92 version was interfaced with GEANT3 (version 3.15) around 1993, with the collaboration of K. Lassila. That version of FLUKA, which was described in A. Fassò, A. Ferrari, J. Ranft and P.R. Sala, Proc. IV Int. Conf. on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics, La Biodola (Italy) 21-26 September 1993, Ed. A. Menzione and A. Scribano, World Scientific, p. 493-502 included the first implementation of the PEANUT preequilibrium model (the so-called linear model). It has never been updated and differs greatly from the present version. It should be considered obsolete and no longer used, but surprisingly it is still widely popular. To avoid confusion with today's FLUKA, that version must be referred to as G-FLUKA. Some extra informations can be found in the ATLAS Internal Note PHYS-NO-086, (28 pages) (1996) which can be easily found from the CERN Web site.

A special package, FLUGG, has been written to allow the use of FLUKA with the GEANT4 geometry. Instructions and detailed examples are available on the FLUKA web page: FLUGG


What relation exists between FLUKA and LAHET/MCNPX?


A very old version of the FLUKA hadron generator, the so-called EVENTQ contained in FLUKA87 with some corrections made around 1989, was included in the LAHET program and was later inherited by MCNPX. That version has very little in common with the modern FLUKA.

Some other exchanges took place between FLUKA and LAHET (but not MCNPX). In 1993 the RAL high-energy fission model by Atchison was kindly provided by R.E. Prael as implemented in LAHET. Since then the model has undergone important modifications and improvements and little is now left of the original implementation. On the other hand, the event generator which was in FLUKA till spring 1997 was made available to R. Prael in 1997 but it is not included in MCNPX.


What relation exists between FLUKA and CORSIKA?


The hadron event generator of FLUKA has been interfaced to CORSIKA in 2003. Only the part between 50 MeV and 80 GeV has been included. The version in CORSIKA is constantly being kept up to date with the current FLUKA version.

Last updated: 26th of April, 2016

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