Last version:
FLUKA 2023.3.4, April 10th 2024
(last respin 2023.3.4)
flair-2.3-0d 13-Sep-2023


-- Fluka Release
( 10.04.2024 )

FLUKA 2023.3.4 has been released.

font_small font_med font_big print_ascii

The following is a syntax highlighting script for the GVIM editor.

You first need to download the file fluka.vim.

Copy the file to the .vim/syntax directory, if you don't have create it.

  1. Create a .vim/syntax directory
    	mkdir ~/.vim/syntax
  2. Move the file into the directory
    	mv fluka.vim ~/.vim/syntax
  3. To automatically detect the filetype add the following lines to the ~/.gvimrc file
    " Fluka
    au! filetypedetect BufNewFile,BufRead *.fluka,*.inp	setf fluka

To manually activate the highlighting execute the command from withing the editor:

:setf fluka

Vasilis Vlachoudis

Last updated: 15th of January, 2010

© FLUKA Team 2000–2024

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