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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] 14 Use of RAY pseudoparticlesPseudoparticles are called RAY and have particle number 0. As for real
particles, their energy, starting point and direction cosines can be
defined by options BEAM and BEAMPOS, or by a user-written SOURCE routine
(see option START).
A RAY travels in a straight line at the speed of light without any
physical interaction. At the starting point, and at each boundary
crossing, FLUKA writes information on an unformatted file.
The file logical unit number is parameterised as LUNRAY in INCLUDE file
IOUNIT (usually LUNRAY = 10).
* ................................................................. * user program or subroutine * ................................................................. PARAMETER (LUNRAY = 10) CHARACTER MATNAM*8, FILNAM*80 INTEGER NRAYRN, MREG, MLATTC, MMAT, MREGLD, MLATLD, MMATLD, IDISC REAL EKIN, XX, YY, ZZ, R2, R3, THETAP, PHIPOS, TXX, TYY, TZZ, & THETAD, PHIDIR, ETADIR, RCM, ALAMDI, ALAMDP, ALAMDN, ALAMDG, & ALAMDR, DEKMIP, GMOCM2, DELAGE, RCMTOT, ALITOT, ALPTOT, & ALNTOT, ALGTOT, ALRTOT, TOTMIP, SRHTOT, AGEAGE * ................................................................. * here other possible declarations * ................................................................. WRITE (*,*) ' File name?' READ (*,'(A80)') FILNAM OPEN (FILE = FILNAM, UNIT = LUNRAY, STATUS = 'OLD', FORM = & 'UNFORMATTED') * loop over several rays 1 CONTINUE * read info about ray starting point READ (LUNRAY, END = 3000, ERR=1000) NRAYRN, MREG, MLATTC, & MMAT, EKIN READ (LUNRAY, END = 1000) XX, YY, ZZ, R2, R3, THETAP, PHIPOS READ (LUNRAY, END = 1000) TXX, TYY, TZZ, THETAD, PHIDIR, ETADIR * where: * NRAYRN = ray number * MREG = starting region * MLATTC = starting lattice cell * MMAT = material of starting region * EKIN = reference kinetic energy of the ray (GeV) * XX, YY, ZZ = ray starting point * R2 = distance of ray starting point from z-axis (cm) * R3 = distance of ray starting point from the origin (cm) * THETAP = polar angle between the position vector of the ray * starting point and the z-axis (radians) * PHIPOS = azimuthal angle of the position vector of the ray * starting point around the z-axis (radians) * TXX, TYY, TZZ = ray direction cosines * THETAD = polar angle between the ray and the z-axis (radians) * PHIDIR = azimuthal angle of ray around the z-axis (radians) * ETADIR = pseudorapidity of ray direction with respect to the * direction defined by option BEAMPOS * ................................................................ * here possible user code to manipulate values read * ................................................................ * loop over further positions along the ray path 2 CONTINUE * read info about next point READ (LUNRAY, END = 2000) MREGLD, MLATLD, MMATLD, & MATNAM, IDISC READ (LUNRAY, END = 2000) XX, YY, ZZ, R2, R3, THETAP, PHIPOS READ (LUNRAY, END = 2000) RCM, ALAMDI, ALAMDP, ALAMDN, ALAMDG, & ALAMDR, DEKMIP, GMOCM2, DELAGE READ (LUNRAY, END = 2000) RCMTOT, ALITOT, ALPTOT, ALNTOT, & ALGTOT, ALRTOT, TOTMIP, SRHTOT, & AGEAGE * where: * MREGLD = number of next region traversed by ray * MLATLD = number of next lattice cell traversed by ray * MMATLD = material of next region * MATNAM = name of material of next region * IDISC = 0 unless next region is blackhole * XX, YY, ZZ, R2, R3, THETAP, PHIPOS: as described above, but * referred to the current position * RCM = distance traversed from last point to here * ALAMDI = distance traversed from last point to here, in units * of high energy nucleon inelastic mean free paths (at * the reference kinetic energy of the ray) * ALAMDP = distance traversed from last point to here, in units * of high energy pion inelastic mean free paths (at the * reference kinetic energy of the ray) * ALAMDN = distance traversed from last point to here, in units * of maximum neutron inelastic mean free paths (i.e., * at 200 MeV) * ALAMDG = distance traversed from last point to here, in units * of maximum photon mean free paths (i.e., at so-called * Compton minimum). Note: if the EMF option has not * been requested, ALAMDG has always zero value * ALAMDR = distance traversed from last point to here, in units * of radiation lengths. Note: if the EMF option has not * been requested, ALAMDR is calculated but only in an * approximate way * DEKMIP = energy lost from last point to here by a minimum * ionising muon * GMOCM2 = distance traversed from last point to here in g/cm2 * DELAGE = time elapsed from last point to here in sec (i.e., * distance divided by speed of light) * RCMTOT = cumulative distance traversed so far in cm * ALITOT = cumulative distance traversed so far, in units of * high energy nucleon inelastic mean free paths * ALPTOT = cumulative distance traversed so far, in units of * high energy pion inelastic mean free paths * ALNTOT = cumulative distance traversed so far, in units of * maximum neutron inelastic mean free paths * ALGTOT = cumulative distance traversed so far, in units of * maximum photon mean free paths (i.e., at so-called * Compton minimum). Note: if the EMF option has not * been requested, ALGTOT has always zero value * ALRTOT = cumulative distance traversed so far, in units of * radiation lengths. Note: if the EMF option has not * been requested, ALRTOT is calculated but only in an * approximate way * TOTMIP = cumulative energy lost so far by a minimum ionising * muon * SRHTOT = cumulative distance traversed so far in g/cm2 * AGEAGE = cumulative time elapsed so far in sec * ............................................................. * possible user code to manipulate values read * ............................................................. IF ( IDISC .EQ. 0 ) THEN * ........................................................... * possible user code at the end of ray step * ........................................................... GO TO 2 END IF * ............................................................... * possible user code at the end of ray trajectory * ............................................................... * new ray GO TO 1 1000 CONTINUE WRITE(*,*) ' Incomplete data on file about ray starting point' GO TO 3000 2000 CONTINUE WRITE(*,*) ' Incomplete data on file about ray trajectory' 3000 CONTINUE * ................................................................. * possible user code at the end of analysis * ................................................................. CLOSE (UNIT = LUNRAY) END |
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