Last version:
FLUKA 2024.1.3, January 27th 2025
(last respin 2024.1.3)
flair-2.3-0e 06-May-2024


-- Fluka Release
( 27.01.2025 )

FLUKA 2024.1.3 has been released.
New FLUKA reference, please read and cite it:
F. Ballarini et al., The FLUKA code: Overview and new developments, EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 10, 16 (2024)

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allows to associate scoring detectors of given estimator types with dose equivalent conversion factors and to filter scoring detectors according to auxiliary (generalised) particle distributions or isotope ranges.


     WHAT(1) : binning / estimator type to associate the card with
               1.0 : USRBDX
               2.0 : USRBIN / EVENTBIN
               3.0 : USRTRACK
               4.0 : USRCOLL
               5.0 : USRYIELD
               Default = 2.0 USRBIN/EVENTBIN

     WHAT(2) : particle (or particle family) to be considered as a filter
               for the associated scoring card
               > -100.0 : particle or particle family code
              <= -100.0  Isotope coding. To select atomic number Z, mass
                         number A and isomeric state M
                         what(2)= -(Z*100+A*100000+m*100000000).
                         Z=0 means all atomic numbers for the given A,
                         A=0 includes all mass numbers for a given Z,
                         M=0 includes all ground and isomeric states.
                        To select only the ground state set M=9
              Default = 201.0: all particles (ALL-PART)

     WHAT(3) : not used

     WHAT(4) : lower bound index (or corresponding name) of the indices
               of the detector in which the associated scoring is
               activated (See Note 1)
               ("From detector WHAT(4)....")
               Default = 1.0

     WHAT(5) : upper bound index (or corresponding name) of the indices
               of the detector in which the associated scoring is
               activated (See Note 1)
               ("to detector WHAT(5)....")
               Default = WHAT(4)

     WHAT(6) = step length in assigning indices
               ("in steps of WHAT(6)")
               Default: 1.0

     SDUM    : For dose equivalent (DOSE-EQ) scoring, the user can provide
               the energy dependent factors for the conversion of fluence
               to effective dose and ambient dose equivalent for neutrons,
               protons, charged pions, muons, photons and electrons.
               Default: AMB74

The following dose conversion coefficients sets are available:

                  1) Effective dose sets from ICRP74 and Pelliccioni data
                     calculated with ICRP radiation weighting factors Wr
                     (a)  EAP74 : Anterior-Posterior irradiation
                     (b)  ERT74 : Rotational irradiation geometry
                     (c)  EWT74 : WORST possible geometry for the irradiation

                  2) Effective dose sets from ICRP74 and Pelliccioni data
                     calculated with the Pelliccioni radiation weighting
                     factors Wr
                     (a)  EAPMP : Anterior-Posterior irradiation
                     (b)  ERTMP : Rotational irradiation geometry
                     (c)  EWTMP : WORST possible geometry for the irradiation

                  3) Ambient dose equivalent from ICRP74 and Pelliccioni data
                     (a)  AMB74

                  4) Ambient dose equivalent with old "GRS"-conversion factors
                     (a)  AMBGS

     Default (DOSE-EQ scoring and option AUXSCORE not given): AMB74


  • 2) Only the sets EAP74, ERT74, EWT74 and AMB74 are implemented for photons and electrons. If sets from the second group (EAPMP, ERTMP, EWTMP) are requested, the respective set from the first group will be used instead. For set AMBGS zero values are returned.

  • 3) Dose conversion coefficients exist only for some particle types: hadrons, muons, photons, electrons/positrons. For all other particle types, zero factor will be returned. This is particularly important for heavy ions where zero factor will be scored.


 USRBIN          10.0     208.0     -50.0      10.0      10.0      10.0Ene.p
 USRBIN         -10.0     -10.0     -10.0     100.0     100.0     100.0&
 AUXSCORE         2.0       1.0                 1.0
 *       The above AUXSCORE card will filter the energy scoring of the
 *       USRBIN card to only the energy that is deposited by protons

 USRBIN          10.0    ENERGY     -50.0      10.0      10.0      10.0Ene.pi
 USRBIN         -10.0     -10.0     -10.0     100.0     100.0     100.0&
 AUXSCORE      USRBIN     MUONS              Ene.pi
 *       Similar to the previous example but in a name based input

 USRBIN          10.0   DOSE-EQ     -50.0      10.0      10.0      10.0DoseEq
 USRBIN         -10.0     -10.0     -10.0     100.0     100.0     100.0&
 AUXSCORE      USRBIN                        DoseEq                    AMB74
 *       Score ambient dose equivalent in a Cartesian mesh from all particles

 USRYIELD       124.0  ALL-PART      -87.    TARGS3     INAIR       1.0 Fe56
 USRYIELD       180.0       0.0       18.      10.0       0.0       3.0   &
 AUXSCORE         5.0 -5602600.               Fe56       Fe56
 *      Score yield of 56 Fe  ions

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