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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] CORRFACTallows to alter material density for dE/dx and nuclear processes on a
region-by-region basis
WHAT(1) >= 0.0 : density scaling factor for charged particle ionisation processes (dE/dx, delta ray production, M\oller and Bhabha scattering) = 0.0 : ignored < 0.0 : reset to default Default: 1.0 WHAT(2) >= 0.0 : density scaling factor for all other processes = 0.0 : ignored < 0.0 : reset to default Default: 1.0 WHAT(3): not used WHAT(4): lower index bound (or corresponding name) of regions where the scaling factors shall apply "From region WHAT(4)..." Default: 2.0 WHAT(5): upper index bound (or corresponding name) of regions where the scaling factors shall apply "...to region WHAT(5)..." Default: WHAT(4) WHAT(6): step length in assigning region numbers "...in steps of WHAT(6)" Default: 1.0 SDUM : not used Default (option CORRFACT not requested): no density scaling factors are applied Note:
Example, in a number-based input: *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 * Multiply density by a 0.85 factor for what concerns atomic processes * in regions 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 CORRFACT 0.85 0.0 0.0 7.0 12. The same example, in a name-based input, supposing that the geometry is made of 12 regions: CORRFACT 0.85 0.0 0.0 The7thRg @LASTREG * Note the use of the name @LASTREG to indicate the maximum number of regions * in the problem |
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