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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] DCYTIMESdefines decay times for radioactive product scoring
WHAT(1) = cooling time (in s) after the irradiation end, to be associated to a scoring detector (see Note 1 below) >=< 0.0 : a new decay time is added with delay WHAT(1) Default = scoring at end of irradiation is associated with index 1 WHAT(2) = the same as WHAT(1) (one more cooling time) WHAT(3) = the same as WHAT(1) (one more cooling time) WHAT(4) = the same as WHAT(1) (one more cooling time) WHAT(5) = the same as WHAT(1) (one more cooling time) WHAT(6) = the same as WHAT(1) (one more cooling time) SDUM = not used Default (option DCYTIMES not requested): no decay times are defined Notes:
Example: *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 DCYTIMES 10. 30. 3600. 43200. 86400. 172800. DCYTIMES 2592000. 31557600. * Eight different cooling times have been defined, each with an index * corresponding to its input order: cooling time no. 1 is 10 s, no. 2 is 30 s, * and those from no. 3 to 8 are respectively 1 h, 1/2 d, 1 d, 2 d, 30 d, 1 y |
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