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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] DETECTScores energy deposition on an event by event basis (detector), providing
coincidence and anti-coincidence capabilities such as those of a trigger.
WHAT(1) = 0.0 for a detector, > 0.0 for a combination of detectors If WHAT(1) = 0.0: WHAT(2) = minimum total energy to be scored in the detector regions in one event, i.e. lower limit of the event distribution. Default: 0.0 WHAT(3) = maximum total energy to be scored in the detector regions in one event, i.e. upper limit of the event distribution No default WHAT(4) = cutoff energy for the signal (coincidence/anticoincidence threshold). The energy deposition event is scored only if a total of more than WHAT(4) GeV are/aren't correspondingly deposited in the trigger regions. Default: 1.E-9 (= 1 eV) WHAT(5) = > 0.0 : the detector regions, taken together, must be considered in COINCIDENCE with the trigger regions (also taken together) < 0.0 : the detector regions must be considered in ANTI-COINCIDENCE with the trigger regions Default: anti-coincidence WHAT(6) = region number or name not preceded by a minus sign: first region of the DETECTOR region number or name preceded by a minus sign: first region of the TRIGGER (the other regions will be given with continuation cards, see below). No default SDUM = detector name (max. 10 characters) unless the character "&" is present Continuation card (if present): WHAT(1) = same as WHAT(1) for the first card WHAT(2-6) = following regions (with sign). If not preceded by a minus sign, they are considered detector regions, otherwise trigger regions SDUM = "&" in any position in column 71 to 78 (or in the last field if free format is used) Note: if no trigger region is given (i.e. no region with negative sign) a simple event-by-event scoring takes place. If WHAT(1) > 0: [NOT YET IMPLEMENTED!!!] WHAT(2): first detector to be considered for this combination, in coincidence if WHAT(2) is not preceded by a minus sign, in anticoincidence otherwise Default: ignored WHAT(3): second detector to be considered for this combination, in coincidence if WHAT(3) is not preceded by a minus sign, in anticoincidence otherwise Default: ignored WHAT(4): third detector to be considered for this combination, in coincidence if WHAT(4) is not preceded by a minus sign, in anticoincidence otherwise Default: ignored WHAT(5): fourth detector to be considered for this combination, in coincidence if WHAT(5) is not preceded by a minus sign, in anticoincidence otherwise Default: ignored WHAT(6): fifth detector to be considered for this combination, in coincidence if WHAT(6) is not preceded by a minus sign, in anticoincidence otherwise Default: ignored SDUM = combination name (max. 10 characters) unless the character "&" is present Continuation card (if present): WHAT(1) = same as WHAT(1) for the first card WHAT(2-6) = following detectors (with sign). If not preceded by a minus sign, they are considered in coincidence, otherwise in anti-coincidence SDUM = "&" in any position (or in the last field if free format is used) Default (option DETECT not requested): no (anti)coincidence scoring Notes:
......................................... CHARACTER*80 RUNTIT, RUNTIM*32, CHNAME*10 INTEGER*4 NCASE, NDET, NBIN, IV(1024) REAL EMIN, EBIN, ECUT ......................................... ......................................... READ(17) RUNTIT, RUNTIM, WEIPRI, NCASE READ(17) NDET, CHNAME, NBIN, EMIN, EBIN, ECUT READ(17) (IV(I), I = 1, NBIN) ......................................... This is the meaning of variables read: RUNTIT: title of the job (as given by input option TITLE) RUNTIM: time of the job (printed also at the beginning of the main output) WEIPRI: total weight of the primary particles NCASE: number of primary particles NDET: detector number CHNAME: detector name (= SDUM of the first DETECT card) NBIN: number of energy bins (presently fixed = 1024) EMIN: minimum total energy (= WHAT(2) of the first DETECT card) EBIN: width of each energy bin ECUT: cutoff energy for the signal (= WHAT(4) of the first DETECT card) The NBIN values IV(I) are the spectrum channels, or energy bins.
Example (number-based): *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 DETECT 0.0 1.E-4 1.E-2 5.E-5 1.0 7.0 Coincid_1 DETECT 0.0 -9.0 -12.0 10.0 11.0 & * The meaning of the above lines is the following: * a "signal" equal to energy deposition in regions 7 + 10 + 11 will be * scored if: * 1) that signal is larger than 1.E-4 GeV and smaller than 0.01 GeV * 2) at the same time (in coincidence) an energy deposition of at least * 5.0E-5 GeV occurs in regions 9 + 12 * The output will give a signal (event) spectrum between the energy * limits 1.0E-4 and 0.010 GeV, distributed over a fixed number of channels * (1024 in the standard version). The same example, name-based: *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 DETECT 0.0 1.E-4 1.E-2 5.E-5 1.0 The7thRg Coincid_1 DETECT 0.0 -The9thRg -Region12 Region10 Region11 & |
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