Last version:
, October 16th 2024 (last respin 2024.1.2) 06-May-2024
Fluka Release
FLUKA 2024.1.2 has been
New FLUKA reference, please read and cite it:
F. Ballarini et al.,
The FLUKA code: Overview and new developments,
EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 10, 16 (2024)
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defines the particle types to be discarded (i.e. not to be transported)
WHAT(1...6) = id-number or name of particles to be discarded (see particle
numbers and names in (5)).
If one of the WHATs is preceded by a minus sign a previous corresponding
DISCARD command (explicit or by default) will be canceled.
When full heavy particle transport is activated (see IONTRANS), discarding
of heavies can be performed setting the WHATs = (1000 + Kheavy),
with Kheavy = 3....6 (heavy ion particle code):
3 = 2-H, 4 = 3-H, 5 = 3-He, 6 = 4-He, 7-12 = fission fragments.
Except for fission fragments, the corresponding names can also be used.
Undiscarding heavies is obtained by setting WHATs equal to (1000 - Kheavy),
or by making the corresponding names to be preceded by a minus sign.
The whole scheme is shown in the following table:
Discard Undiscard
2-H 1003 or DEUTERON 997 or -DEUTERON
3-H 1004 or TRITON 996 or -TRITON
3-He 1005 or 3-HELIUM 995 or -3-HELIUM
4-He 1006 or 4-HELIUM 994 or -4-HELIUM
fission fragments 1007-1012 993-988
No default
SDUM: not used
Default (option DISCARD not given): only neutrinos and antineutrinos are
discarded by default. Set the WHATs = -5., -6., -27., -28., -43.,
in order to have them transported.
- 1) There is no limit to the number of DISCARD definitions given.
- 2) Discarding a particle means that that type of particle will possibly
be produced but not transported.
- 3) The user may want to process some particle types with other programs
providing only the production by the FLUKA code. These particles can
be discarded. The results will then not contain the contribution of
the discarded particle types and of their descendants.
- 4) Neutrinos are always discarded by default, to avoid useless
tracking. To force neutrinos (or other particles) to be NOT
discarded, make their particle number or name to be preceded by a
minus sign. In that case, however, remember that:
no neutrino cross sections are available for transport in FLUKA:
these particles are just tracked through the geometry until they
escape. Boundary crossing and tracklength density can however be
scored if requested
if neutrinos are not discarded, their transport threshold
is set = 0. by default. This value can be changed (by option PART-THR),
but it must be kept in mind that the energy of any neutrino
produced below the threshold WILL BE DEPOSITED LOCALLY, generating
a likely bias in dose calculations.
- 4) WARNING: discarding the particles which propagate the hadronic
cascade (neutrons, protons, pions) will lead in general to
unpredictable results.
Example (number-based):
DISCARD 3.0 4.0 7.0 10.0 11.0 23.0
* This example illustrates a typical situation where the use of DISCARD
* can considerably reduce the computing time: for instance in pure
* hadronic or neutron problems (fluence calculations without interest in
* energy deposition). In this case electrons, positrons, photons, muons
* and pi0 do not contribute to the result and can be discarded
The same example, name-based: