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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] DISCARDdefines the particle types to be discarded (i.e. not to be transported) WHAT(1...6) = id-number or name of particles to be discarded (see particle numbers and names in (5)). If one of the WHATs is preceded by a minus sign a previous corresponding
DISCARD command (explicit or by default) will be canceled.
3 = 2-H, 4 = 3-H, 5 = 3-He, 6 = 4-He, 7-12 = fission fragments. Except for fission fragments, the corresponding names can also be used.
Discard Undiscard 2-H 1003 or DEUTERON 997 or -DEUTERON 3-H 1004 or TRITON 996 or -TRITON 3-He 1005 or 3-HELIUM 995 or -3-HELIUM 4-He 1006 or 4-HELIUM 994 or -4-HELIUM fission fragments 1007-1012 993-988 No default SDUM: not used Default (option DISCARD not given): only neutrinos and antineutrinos are discarded by default. Set the WHATs = -5., -6., -27., -28., -43., -44. or NEUTRIE, ANEUTRIE, NEUTRIM, ANEUTRIM, NEUTRIT, ANEUTRIT in order to have them transported. Notes:
Example (number-based): *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 DISCARD 3.0 4.0 7.0 10.0 11.0 23.0 * This example illustrates a typical situation where the use of DISCARD * can considerably reduce the computing time: for instance in pure * hadronic or neutron problems (fluence calculations without interest in * energy deposition). In this case electrons, positrons, photons, muons * and pi0 do not contribute to the result and can be discarded The same example, name-based: DISCARD ELECTRON POSITRON PHOTON MUON+ MUON- PIZERO |
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