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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] ELCFIELDdefines an homogenous electric field (not yet fully implemented)
WHAT(1) = largest angle (in degrees) that a particle is allowed to travel in a single step Default: 20 degrees WHAT(2) = error of the boundary iteration (minimum accuracy accepted in determining a boundary intersection) Default: 0.01 cm WHAT(3) = minimum step if the step is forced to be smaller due to a too large angle Default: 0.1 cm WHAT(4) = Ex (x-component of the electric field, in kV/cm) WHAT(5) = Ey (y-component of the electric field, in kV/cm) WHAT(6) = Ez (z-component of the electric field, in kV/cm) Note: This option is being implemented, but it is not yet operational. |
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