Last version:
, January 27th 2025 (last respin 2024.1.3) 06-May-2024
Fluka Release
FLUKA 2024.1.3 has been
New FLUKA reference, please read and cite it:
F. Ballarini et al.,
The FLUKA code: Overview and new developments,
EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 10, 16 (2024)
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For calorimetry only.
Superimposes a binning structure to the geometry and prints the
result after each "event"
For a description of input for this option, refer to USRBIN. Meaning of
WHATs and SDUM is practically identical for the two options. The only
difference here is that if WHAT(1) is given with a negative sign, only
non-zero data ("hit cells") are printed.
For Cartesian binning, WHAT(1) = 0.0 prints all cells, and a negative
number > -0.5 must be used to print only the "hit cells".
See Note 2 below and Note 3 to option ROTPRBIN.
This card is similar to USRBIN, but the binning data are printed at the end
of each event (primary history).
Information about the binning structure is printed at the beginning, then
binning data are printed at the end of each event WITHOUT ANY NORMALISATION
(i.e. energy per bin and not energy density per unit incident particle
If the sign of WHAT(1) in the first card defining the binning is negative,
only those elements of the binning which are non zero are printed at the
end of each event, together with their index.
Default (option EVENTBIN not requested): no event-by-event binning.
To read EVENTBIN unformatted output, see instruction for USRBIN, with the
following differences:
first all binning definitions are written
then, for each event all binnings are dumped, two records for each
First record: NB, NCASE, WEIGHT (resp. binning number, number and weight
of the event)
Second record: binning energy deposition data (see USRBIN)
if the LNTZER flag (only non-zero cells) is activated, the energy
deposition can be read as:
IHELP = cell index = IX + (IY-1)*NX + (IZ-1)*NX*NY
GMHELP = cell content
- 1) Normally, this option is meaningful only in fully analogue runs. Any
biasing option should be avoided, and a GLOBAL declaration with
WHAT(2) < 0. is recommended. Also, it is recommended to request an
- 2) In many cases, binnings defined by EVENTBIN result in a number of
sparse "hit" cells, while all other bins are empty (scoring zero).
In such cases, it is convenient to print to file only the content of
non-empty bins. In these circumstances, it may also be convenient to
allocate a reduced amount of storage (see option ROTPRBIN, and in
particular the Note 3 to that option).
Example 1 (number-based):
EVENTBIN 10.0 208.0 25.0 150.0 200.0 180. Firstscore
EVENTBIN -150.0 100.0 -20.0 75.0 50.0 20.0 &
* In the above example, the user requests an event-by-event scoring of
* energy deposition (generalised particle 208), in a Cartesian
* three-dimensional array. The bins are 4 cm wide in x (75 bins between
* x = -150 and x = 150), 2 cm wide in y (50 bins between y = 100 and
* y = 200), and 10 cm wide in z (20 bins between z = -20 and z = 180).
* The results are written, formatted, on logical unit 25. The name given
* to the binning is "Firstscore".
The same example, name-based:
EVENTBIN 10.0 ENERGY 25.0 150.0 200.0 180. Firstscore
EVENTBIN -150.0 100.0 -20.0 75.0 50.0 20.0 &
Example 2 (number-based):
* Event-by-event scoring of photon fluence in a cylindrical mesh of
* 1200x3800 bins 1 mm wide in R and Z. Results are written unformatted on
* logical unit 27. The user requests not to print bins with zero content.
* The binning name is "Bigcylindr".
EVENTBIN -11.0 7.0 -27.0 600.0 0.0 1900. Bigcylindr
EVENTBIN 0.0 0.0 0.0 1200.0 0.0 3800.0 &
The same example, name-based:
EVENTBIN -11.0 PHOTON -27.0 600.0 0.0 1900. Bigcylindr
EVENTBIN 0.0 0.0 0.0 1200.0 0.0 3800.0 &