Last version:
FLUKA 2024.1.2, October 16th 2024
(last respin 2024.1.2)
flair-2.3-0e 06-May-2024


-- Fluka Release
( 16.10.2024 )

FLUKA 2024.1.2 has been released.
New FLUKA reference, please read and cite it:
F. Ballarini et al., The FLUKA code: Overview and new developments, EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 10, 16 (2024)

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For calorimetry only. Prints event by event the scored star production and/or energy deposition in each region, and the total energy balance.


EVENTDAT requests separate scoring by region of energy and/or star density for each event (primary history). The quantities to be scored are defined via a SCORE command (see SCORE for details). As for SCORE, a maximum per run of 4 different star densities is allowed. The EVENTDAT output includes also a detailed energy balance event by event.

     WHAT(1) = output unit
               If < 0, the output is unformatted. Values of |WHAT(1)| < 21
               should be avoided (with the exception of +11).
               Default = 11 (standard output)

     WHAT(2) to WHAT(6) : not used

     SDUM    = output file name (no default!) Max. 10 characters.

     Default (option EVENTDAT not given): no event by event scoring


  • 1) Unformatted data are written as follows. Once, at the beginning of the run:
              - RUNTIT, RUNTIM, NREGS, NSCO, (ISCORE(IS), IS = 1, NSCO)
              Then, for each primary particle:
                 - NCASE, WEIPRU, ENETOT
                 - (ENDIST(IE), IE = 1, 12)
                 Then, NSCO times:
                    - ISC, ISCORE(ISC)
                    - (REGSCO(IR,ISC), IR = 1, NREGS)
                 Then one dummy record (for historical reasons):
                 - NDUM, DUM1, DUM2
                 - ISEED1, ISEED2, SEED1, SEED2, SOPP1, SOPP2


               RUNTIT = title of the run (CHARACTER*80 variable), which appears
                        also at the beginning of the standard output
               RUNTIM = time of the run (CHARACTER*32 variable), which appears
                        also at the beginning of the standard output
               NREGS  = number of regions
               NSCO   = number of scoring distributions requested by SCORE
               ISCORE(I) = Ith requested (generalised) particle distribution
                        (see (5))
               NCASE  = number of primaries handled so far (current one included)
               WEIPRU = primary weight
               ENETOT = primary particle total energy (GeV)
               ENDIST(I) are 12 energy contributions to the total energy balance,
                         some of which appear at the end of the standard output.
                         Here they are given separately for each primary history
                         (in GeV) and NOT normalised to the weight of the
                         primary. Note that some of the contributions are
                         meaningful only in specific contexts (e.g. if low-energy
                         neutron transport has been requested).
               ENDIST(1)  = energy deposited by ionisation
               ENDIST(2)  = en. depos. by pi0, electrons, positrons and photons
               ENDIST(3)  = en. depos. by nuclear recoils and heavy fragments
               ENDIST(4)  = energy deposited by particles below threshold
               ENDIST(5)  = energy leaving the system
               ENDIST(6)  = energy carried by discarded particles
               ENDIST(7)  = residual excitation energy after evaporation
               ENDIST(8)  = energy deposited by low-energy neutrons (kerma,
                            proton recoil energy not included)
               ENDIST(9)  = energy of particles out of the time limit
               ENDIST(10) = energy lost in endothermic nuclear reactions
                            (gained in exothermic reactions if < 0) above 20 MeV
                            (not implemented yet)
               ENDIST(11) = energy lost in endothermic low-energy neutron
                            reactions (gained in exothermic reactions if < 0)
                            (not implemented yet)
               ENDIST(12) = missing energy
               NDUM, DUM1, DUM2 = three dummy variables, with no meaning
               REGSCO(IR,ISC) = energy or stars (corresponding to the ISCth
                            generalised particle distribution) deposited or
                            produced in the IRth region during the current
                            primary history. NOT normalised, neither to the
                            the primary weight nor to the region volume
               ISEED1, ISEED2, SEED1, SEED2, SOPP1, SOPP2 = random number
                            generator information to be read in order to
                            reproduce the current sequence (skipping calls, see

  • 2) All the above quantities are REAL*4, except RUNTIT and RUNTIM (which are of type CHARACTER) and those with a name beginning with I,J,K,L,M,N (which are integer).

  • 3) The different items appearing in the EVENTDAT energy balance may sometimes give overlapping information and are not all meaningful in every circumstance (for instance residual excitation energy is meaningful only if gamma de-excitation has not been requested). Unlike the balance which is printed at the end of standard output, these terms are not additive.

  • 4) An example on how to read EVENTDAT unformatted output is given below.

             PROGRAM RDEVDT
             CHARACTER*32 RUNTIM
             DIMENSION ISCORE(4), ENDIST(12), REGSCO(5000,4)

             WRITE(*,*) 'Name of the EVENTDAT binary file?'
             READ(*,'(A)') FILNAM
             IB = INDEX(FILNAM,' ')i
             OPEN(UNIT = 7, FORM = 'UNFORMATTED', FILE = FILNAM(1:IB-1),
            &     STATUS = 'OLD')
             OPEN(UNIT = 8, FORM = 'FORMATTED', FILE = FILNAM(1:IB-1)//'.txt',
            &     STATUS = 'NEW')

       *     Once, at the beginning of the run:
             WRITE(8,'(A80)') RUNTIT
             WRITE(8,'(A32)') RUNTIM
             WRITE(8,'(A,I6,5X,A,I4)') 'Number of regions: ', NREGS,
            &           ' Number of scored quantities: ', NSCO
             WRITE(8,'(A,4I6)') 'The scored quantities are: ',
            &           (ISCORE(IS), IS = 1, NSCO)

       *     Loop on each primary particle:
        100  CONTINUE
             READ(7,END=300) NCASE, WEIPRU, ENETOT
             WRITE(8,'(A,I10,1P,2G12.4)') 'NCASE, WEIPRU, ENETOT: ',
            &               NCASE, WEIPRU, ENETOT
             READ(7) (ENDIST(IE), IE = 1, 12)
             WRITE(8,'(A)') 'ENDIST: '
             DO 400 IE = 1, 12, 2
                WRITE(8,'(2(I5,5X,1P,G12.4))') IE,ENDIST(IE),IE+1,ENDIST(IE+1)
        400  CONTINUE
             DO 200 ISC = 1, NSCO
                READ(7) IISC, ISCORE(ISC)
       *        IISC is redundant, must be equal to ISC
                IF(IISC .NE. ISC) STOP 'Wrong sequence'
            &        'Quantity n. ',ISC, ' (',ISCORE(ISC),'):'

                READ(7) (REGSCO(IR,ISC), IR = 1, NREGS)
                WRITE(8,*) 'Scoring per region:'
                DO 500 IR = 1, NREGS
                   WRITE(8,'(I7,3X,1P,G12.4)') IR, REGSCO(IR,ISC)
        500     CONTINUE
        200  CONTINUE

             READ(7) NDUM, DUM1, DUM2
             IF (DUM1 .LT. 0.) THEN
       *        DUM1 < 0 is used to signal that seeds follow
                READ(7) ISEED1, ISEED2, SEED1, SEED2, SOPP1, SOPP2
                WRITE(8,*) ISEED1, ISEED2, SEED1, SEED2, SOPP1, SOPP2
                BACKSPACE 7
             END IF
       *     This event is finished, start again with the next one
             GO TO 100

        300  CONTINUE
             WRITE(8,*) "End of a run of ", NCASE, " particles"
             CLOSE (UNIT = 7)
             CLOSE (UNIT = 8)

Example (number-based):

 SCORE           208.      211.      201.        8.        0.       0.
 EVENTDAT        -23.        0.        0.        0.        0.       0. EVT.SCOR
 *  In this example, the user requests (with option SCORE) scoring of
 *  total and electromagnetic energy deposition, total stars and
 *  neutron-produced stars. The average scores for each region will be
 *  printed on standard output (as an effect of SCORE command), and
 *  corresponding scores, as well as the energy balance, will be written
 *  separately for each primary particle on an unformatted file EVT.SCOR

The same example, name-based:

 SCORE         ENERGY  EM-ENRGY  ALL-PART   NEUTRON        0.       0.
 EVENTDAT        -23.        0.        0.        0.        0.       0. EVT.SCOR

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