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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] GCR-SPEInitialises Galactic Cosmic Ray or Solar Particle Event calculations
WHAT(1) = i0 + 1000 * i1 i0 = 0: centered dipole field, geomagnetic coordinates (used also for computing rigidity cut-off's in the spectrum generating routine) = 1: exact multipole fields, geographic coordinates = 2: undefined, standard MAGFLD user routine called for regions with magnetic field = 3: dipolar field for infinite plane at given latitude > 3: undefined, standard MAGFLD user routine called for regions with magnetic field i1 = number of atmospheric shells (see Note 2) = 10000: no atmospheric shells = 51 : 50 atmospheric shells (not supported) = 101: 100 atmospheric shells = 201: 200 atmospheric shells (not supported) Default: centered dipole field, 100 shells WHAT(2) = not used WHAT(3) = not used WHAT(4) = Earth radius (Default provided) WHAT(5) = Earth equatorial magnetic field (Default provided) WHAT(6) = not used SDUM = name identifying both the spectra files (estension .spc) and the data file (estension .sur) produced by the auxiliary program atmloc_2011.f (see Note 2). Default (command GCR-SPE not given): no GCR/SPE calculation. Notes:
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