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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] GLOBALMakes a global declaration about the present run, setting some
important parameters that must be defined before array memory
WHAT(1) = maximum number of regions (must be =< 10000) Default: 1000 WHAT(2) = declaration of "how analogue" this run must be: fully analogue, as biased as possible, or automatically chosen by the program? < 0.0: as analogue as possible (provided the input is consistent with this choice) > 1.0: as biased as possible (allowed also for a run in which no explicit biasing option is requested: in this case it simply means "do not try to be analogue") 0.0 <= WHAT(2) <= 1.0: as analogue as decided by the program according to the selected biasing options Default: 0.0 (input decides the amount of biasing) WHAT(3): declaration about the use of the DNEAR variable (see Note 4) when computing physical steps: < 0 --> always use DNEAR when computing the tentative length of particle steps (it can cause non reproducibility of the random number sequence when starting from different histories, but it does not affect physics) > 0 --> do not use DNEAR when computing the tentative length of particle steps (full reproducibility of the random number sequence starting from different histories, some penalty in CPU) = 0 --> (default) use DNEAR when computing the tentative length of particle steps only when random seed reproducibility is assured (full reproducibility of the random number sequence within the same geometry package, possible non reproducibilities among different geometry packages describing Default: 0.0 (random number sequence reproducible within the same geometry package) WHAT(4): flag to request various types of input < 0.0: resets the default = 0.0: ignored = 1.0: requests the use of names (alphanumerical 8-character strings beginning by alphabetical) instead of numbers as identifiers of particles, materials and regions in the relevant "WHAT" fields of input commands. If fixed format is used, each name must be contained inside the corresponding 10-character field. If free-format, name-based geometry input has not been requested (see WHAT(5) and Note 6), the region names, generated automatically by FLUKA, can be found on standard output. = 2.0: requests free-format input for all input commands (for geometry body and region input, see WHAT(5)). The six "WHAT" fields must all be input, or replaced by two successive separators (together with zero or more blanks) = 3.0: the two previous options are both requested, i.e. alphanumerical 8-character names are used to identify particles, materials and regions in the relevant "WHAT" fields of input commands, and free format is also used (for geometry body and region input, see WHAT(5)). The six "WHAT" fields must all be input, or replaced by two successive separators (together with zero or more blanks) = 4.0: requests numerical format input for all input commands Default: 1.0 (name-based, fixed format input) WHAT(5): flag to request free format in the geometry input for bodies and regions. This format is described in (8), and requires the use of names (alphanumerical 8-character strings beginning by alphabetical) as identifiers. Parentheses are allowed. < 0.0: resets the default = 0.0: ignored > 0.0: geometry input for bodies and regions will be in free format and name-based Default = -1. (numerical, fixed format geometry input) WHAT(6): not used SDUM: not used Notes:
Example 1: *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 TITLE A fully analogue run (no other commands precede this TITLE card) GLOBAL 2000. -1. 1. 0. 0. 0. * This run needs more than the default maximum number of regions. It is * requested to be as analogue as possible and to avoid using DNEAR if * it risks to affect the random number sequence. Example 2: *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 TITLE Full free-format input (no other commands precede this TITLE card) GLOBAL 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 0. * The following input will be all in free format (both the FLUKA commands * and the geometry description) |
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