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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] IONFLUCTCalculates ionisation energy losses of charged hadrons, muons, and
electrons/positrons with ionisation fluctuations
WHAT(1) >= 1.0 : restricted energy loss fluctuations (for hadrons and muons) switched on =< -1.0 : restricted energy loss fluctuations (for hadrons and muons) switched off = 0.0 : ignored Default: restricted energy loss fluctuations for hadrons and muons are activated if option DEFAULTS is missing or if it is used with SDUM = CALORIMEtry, EET/TRANSmut, HADROTHErapy, ICARUS, NEW-DEFAults or PRECISIOn. With any other SDUM value, they are not activated. WHAT(2) >= 1.0 : restricted energy loss fluctuations (for electrons and positrons) switched on =< -1.0 : restricted energy loss fluctuations (for electrons and positrons) switched off = 0.0 : ignored Default: restricted energy loss fluctuations for electrons and positrons are activated if option DEFAULTS is missing or if it is used with SDUM = CALORIMEtry, EM-CASCAde, HADROTHErapy, ICARUS, NEW-DEFAults or PRECISIOn. With any other SDUM value, they are not activated. WHAT(3) : If WHAT(1) (resp. WHAT(2)) >=1, WHAT(3) represents the accuracy
parameter for the ionisation fluctuation algorithm (see [Fas97a])
for hadrons and muons (resp. electrons and positrons).
The accuracy parameter can take integer values from 1 to 4
(corresponding to increasing levels of accuracy)
< 0.0 : resets to default
Default = 1.0 (minimal accuracy)
WHAT(4) = lower bound (or corresponding name) of the indices of the materials in which the restricted energy loss fluctuations are activated ("From material WHAT(4)...") Default = 3.0 WHAT(5) = upper bound (or corresponding name) of the indices of the materials in which the restricted energy loss fluctuations are activated ("... to material WHAT(5)...") Default = WHAT(4) WHAT(6) = step length in assigning indices ("...in steps of WHAT(6)") Default: 1.0 For SDUM = PRIM-ION:
WHAT(1) = effective 1st ionisation potential (eV) (meaningless for model 1) No default WHAT(2) = number of primary ionisations per cm for a mimimum ionising particle (assumed to be a muon+ at beta*gamma = 3). For gases it must be the value at NTP. If set = 0 (valid value), only primary electrons related to close collisions will be produced and WHAT(1) and WHAT(3) will be meanigless. No default WHAT(3) = primary ionisation model type (1, 2, 3 or 4) 0 is ignored if a previous call set a value > 0, otherwise it forces the default A value < 0 switches off primary ionisation production Default: 1 WHAT(4) = lower bound (or corresponding name) of the indices of the materials in which the choices represented by WHAT(1),(2) and (3) apply ("From material WHAT(4)...") Default = 3.0 WHAT(5) = upper bound (or corresponding name) of the indices of the materials in which the choices represented by WHAT(1),(2) and (3) apply ("... to material WHAT(5)...") Default = WHAT(4) WHAT(6) = step length in assigning indices ("...in steps of WHAT(6)") Default: 1.0 SDUM = PRIM-ION Default (option IONFLUCT not given): ionisation fluctuations are simulated or not depending on option DEFAULTS as explained above. Explicit primary ionisation events are never simulated by default. Notes:
Example (number-based): *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 IONFLUCT 0.0 1.0 3.0 7.0 16.0 3.0 IONFLUCT 1.0 0.0 2.0 8.0 10.0 2.0 DELTARAY 1.E-3 0.0 0.0 10.0 11.0 * The special FLUKA algorithm for ionisation fluctuations is activated * with accuracy level 3 for photons and electrons in materials 7, 10, 13 and * 16 (Nitrogen, Aluminum, Silver and Mercury). The same algorithm is activated, * at an accuracy level = 2, for materials 8 and 10 (Oxygen and Aluminum), but * in the latter material only for ionisation losses with energy transfer * < 1 MeV. Losses with larger energy transfer will result in explicit delta * electron production. In material 11 (Iron), delta rays will be produced if * the energy transfer is larger than 1 MeV, but fluctuations for lower energy * transfers will be ignored. The same example, name based: IONFLUCT 0.0 1.0 3.0 NITROGEN MERCURY 3.0 IONFLUCT 1.0 0.0 2.0 OXYGEN ALUMINUM 2.0 DELTARAY 1.E-3 0.0 0.0 ALUMINUM IRON |
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