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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] IONTRANSDetermines the transport of ions (A > 1), allowing to limit it to subsets of light ions (A < 5) and to choose between approximate and full transport (including nuclear interactions) WHAT(1) >= 1 : no transport, full or approximate, of any light/heavy ion = 0 : ignored = -1 : approximate transport (without interactions) of all light and heavy ions = -2 : full transport of all light and heavy ions >= -6 and <= -3 : full transport of light ions with FLUKA id >= WHAT(1) (-3=d,-4=t,-5=3-He,-6=4-He), and approximate transport of all other ions Default: 0.0 (no ion transport, unless a ion beam is requested by the BEAM card, see note 2) WHAT(2-6) and SDUM not used. Notes:
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