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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] LOW-NEUTActivates low-energy neutron transport
WHAT(1) = number of neutron groups in the cross section set used. The FLUKA standard neutron library has 260 groups (see (10)). Default = 260 WHAT(2) = number of gamma groups No default if WHAT(1) is given, 42 otherwise. (The standard FLUKA neutron library has 42 gamma groups). WHAT(3) = maximum energy of the low-energy cross section neutron library. For the standard FLUKA neutron library, the maximum energy is 0.020 GeV. Default = 0.020 GeV. WHAT(4) = printing flag: from 0.0 to 3.0 increases the amount of output about cross sections, kerma factors, etc. 1.0 : Standard output includes integral cross sections, kerma factors and probabilities 2.0 : In addition, downscattering matrices and group neutron-to-gamma transfer probabilities are printed 3.0 : In addition, scattering probabilities and angles are printed 4.0 : In addition, information on residual nuclei is printed Default: 0.0 (minimum output) WHAT(5) = number of neutron groups to be considered thermal ones. (The standard FLUKA neutron library has 31 thermal groups). = 0, ignored < 0: resets to the default = 31.0 Default = 31.0 WHAT(6) = i0 + 10 * i1: i0 = 1: available pointwise cross sections used (see Note 4 below) and explicit and correlated 6-Li(n,t)4He, 10-B(n,alpha)7-Li, 40-Ar(n,gamma)41-Ar, x-Xe(n,gamma)x+1-Xe and 113-Cd(n,gamma)114-Cd photon cascade requested = 0: ignored =<-1: resets to the default (pointwise cross sections are not used) i1 = 1, fission neutron multiplicity forced to 1, with proper weight = 0, ignored =<-1: resets to the default (normal fission multiplicity) Default = -11., unless option DEFAULTS is present with SDUM = CALORIMEtry, ICARUS, NEUTRONS or PRECISIOn, in which case the default is 1.0 (pointwise cross sections are used when available and fission multiplicity is not forced) SDUM: Not used Default (option LOW-NEUT not given): if option DEFAULTS is used with SDUM = CALORIMEtry, EET/TRANsmut, HADROTHErapy, ICARUS, NEUTRONS, NEW-DEFAults, PRECISIOn or SHIELDINg, low-energy neutrons are transported and a suitable cross section library must be available. In all other cases, low-energy neutrons are not transported, and their energy is deposited as explained in Note 2). Notes:
CALORIMEtry, ICARUS, NEUTRONS, PRECISIOn: low-energy neutrons are transported, using pointwise cross section when available EET/TRANsmut, HADROTHErapy, NEW-DEFAults (or DEFAULTS missing), SHIELDINg: low-energy neutrons are transported using always multigroup cross sections Any other SDUM value of DEFAULTS: no low-energy neutron transport Example: *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 LOW-NEUT 260.0 42.0 0.020 2.0 31.0 11.0 * The low-energy neutron library used is the (260n, 42gamma) standard * multigroup library. The user requests a printout of cross sections, kerma * factors, probabilities, downscattering matrices and n-->gamma transfer * probabilities. Pointwise cross sections will be used where available, and * only one neutron per low-energy fission will be emitted, with an adjusted * weight. |
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