Last version:
, January 27th 2025 (last respin 2024.1.3) 06-May-2024
Fluka Release
FLUKA 2024.1.3 has been
New FLUKA reference, please read and cite it:
F. Ballarini et al.,
The FLUKA code: Overview and new developments,
EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 10, 16 (2024)
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defines input/output files to be connected at run-time
WHAT(1) > 0. : logical unit number of a FORMATTED file to be opened
< 0. : logical unit number of an UNFORMATTED file to be
Default : no default (WHAT(1) must not be = 0.)
WHAT(2-6) : not used
SDUM = NEW : the file is opened with status 'NEW'
= OLD : the file is opened with status 'OLD'
= UNKNOWN : the file is opened with status 'UNKNOWN'
= READONLY : the file is opened with status 'OLD' and (only
on VAX VMS/OpenVMS) in mode 'READONLY'
= SCRATCH : the file is opened with status 'SCRATCH'
Default: SDUM = OLD if |WHAT(1)| = 9, 12, 13, 14
= NEW otherwise
If SDUM is not = SCRATCH, the name of the file to be opened must be
given in the card which immediately follows.
Default (option OPEN not given): no file is opened at run time. In
this case the I/O files must be pre-connected via ASSIGN on
VAX VMS/OpenVMS (see (3)). On UNIX and Linux, the rfluka
script provided with the FLUKA code creates the necessary
symbolic links. On some UNIX systems (e.g. HPUX-9),
OPEN MUST be given in any case for the data files.
- 1) The input/output files used by FLUKA are of several kinds:
Standard input (logical unit 5) and standard output (logical
unit 11) must be redirected via < and > (on UNIX and Linux), or
pre-connected via FILEDEF, ASSIGN, etc. on other systems.
cross section unformatted data files (logical unit numbers 9, 13
and 14) can be opened with the OPEN option (SDUM = OLD or
READONLY), or can be pre-connected (on most UNIX systems,
preconnection is obtained by means of symbolic links).
If OPEN is used, the full file name must be given in the card
which follows.
Scratch files (unit 8 for EMF auxiliary output and unit 16
for Combinatorial Geometry working space) can also be OPENed
(with SDUM = SCRATCH) or pre-connected (not on UNIX).
No file name card must be given for scratch files.
The "next seeds" file from the random number generator (logical unit
number 2) can be opened by any of the three ways described
above (i.e. by OPEN, by pre-connection or automatically) on any of
the supported systems.
Error message file (logical unit number 15) and estimator output
files (created by scoring options such as USRBIN, USRBDX, DETECT
On UNIX systems, they can either be opened by the user
(with option OPEN, SDUM = NEW or UNKNOWN and file name given
on the next card) or automatically by the program with a
default name of the form or, where xxx is the
logical unit number.
On VAX VMS/OpenVMS, all the three possibilities are available:
pre-connection, OPEN option and automatic opening with a
default name of the form FORxxx.DAT.
Files created by user-written code: all the three possibilities
are available. Of course, a Fortran statement OPEN can also be
used in this case.
- 2) It is possible to pre-connect some of the files and to OPEN others.
* opening the file with the random number seeds for the next run
* the neutron cross section file
* the working space for Combinatorial Geometry