Last version:
FLUKA 2024.1.2, October 16th 2024
(last respin 2024.1.2)
flair-2.3-0e 06-May-2024


-- Fluka Release
( 16.10.2024 )

FLUKA 2024.1.2 has been released.

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4 FLUKA modules (Fortran files)

Since several years, the FLUKA source code has been organised in "modules". This word must not be intended to have the technical meaning which it has been assigned later in Fortran 90. A FLUKA module is simply a collection of routines covering the same physics field or belonging to the same class of functionality.

In the FLUKA2011 version, there are 35 modules:

 BAMJM     :    new hadronisation package (strongly improved version of the
                original BAMJET [Rit84])
 BLOCKM    :    block data routines
 BMEM      :    the Boltzmann Master Equation nucleus-nucleus interaction
                package for nucleus-nucleus interactions below 100 MeV/u
 COMLATM   :    all geometry routines specific for combinatorial geometry
                (CG) and repetition (lattice capability) in the geometry
 DECAYM    :    all routines connected with particle decays during transport,
                including those managing polarisation or non phase-space-like
                decays for pions, kaons, muons and taus
 DEDXM     :    all routines connected with dE/dx and radiative losses of
                hadrons and muons, including delta-ray production and cross-
                sections for muon photonuclear interactions
 DPMM      :    interface routines for the DPMJET generator
 DUM       :    dummy routines
 ELSM      :    all hadron and photon (photonuclear) cross section routines
 EMFM      :    all routines dealing with electron, positron and photon transport
                and interactions (except for photon photonuclear interactions,
                fluorescent X-ray and Auger production)
 EVENTQM   :    auxiliary routines for the high energy hadronic interaction
 EVENTVM   :    all routines (besides those in EVENTQM) connected with the high
                energy hadronic inelastic interaction package
 EVFFRM    :    separate module with all evaporation, fission and Fermi break-up
 FLUOXM    :    all routines dealing with fluorescence X-ray and Auger production
 GCRM      :    cosmic ray and solar flare simulation package
 GEOLATM   :    geometry navigation and debugging routines
 KASKADM   :    general event steering, most of the relevant transport routines
                for hadron and muon transport, including magnetic field tracking,
                most of material and region dependent initialisation and source
 LOWNEUM   :    all routines concerning the multigroup treatment of "low" energy
                (E < 20 MeV) neutrons
 MAINM     :    main, input parsing and auxiliary routines
 MATHM     :    mathematical auxiliary routines (interpolation, integration, etc.)
                Many of them adapted from SLATEC (
 NEUTRIM   :    nuclear interactions of neutrinos
 NOPTM     :    all routines connected with new scoring options implemented after
                FLUKA86, and blank COMMON setting for scoring options
 NUNDISM   :    neutrino-nucleon deep inelastic scattering
 NUNRESM   :    neutrino-nucleon resonance production
 OPPHM     :    optical photon production and transport
 OUTPUTM   :    printing routines (apart from output of new options which is
                performed in NOPTM)
 PEMFM     :    electromagnetic initialisation
 PGM       :    PLOTGEOM geometry drawing package
 PRECLM    :    full PEANUT second part
 PREEQM    :    full PEANUT first part
 PRIPROM   :    initialisation and drivers for PEANUT
 RNDM      :    random number generation, including gaussian-distributed random
 RQMDM     :    interface routines for the RQMD generator
 USERM     :    user oriented routines (see list below)
 IBMM/HPM/LINUXM/OSFM/VAXM : timing and "environment" routines. These are
                machine specific.

User oriented routines (see description in (13)):

The "FLUKA User Routines" mentioned at point 3) in the FLUKA User License are those (and only those) contained in the directory usermvax, both in the source and binary versions of the code.

 ABSCFF    :    absorption coefficient (for optical photons)
 COMSCW    :    response functions, user dependent selection for density-like
 DFFCFF    :    diffusion coefficient (for optical photons)
 ENDSCP    :    energy density distributed - change of positions
 FLDSCP    :    fluence distributed - change of positions
 FLUSCW    :    response functions, user dependent selection for flux-like
 FORMFU    :    nuclear charge form factors
 FRGHNS    :    material roughness (for optical photons)
 FTELOS    :    called at the very end of a FLUKA run
 FUSRBV    :    defines a continuous variable for 3-D binnings
 LATTIC    :    symmetry transformation for lattice geometry
 LUSRBL    :    defines a discrete variable for 3-D binnings
 MAGFLD    :    to use a magnetic field map
 MDSTCK    :    management of secondary stack
 MGDRAW    :    to dump trajectories, etc.
 MUSRBR    :    defines a discrete variable for 3-D binnings
 OPHBDX    :    boundary crossing properties (for optical photons)
 PSHCKP    :    call user when pushing Cherenkov photons to the stack
 QUEFFC    :    quantum efficiency (for optical photons)
 RFLCTV    :    reflectivity (for optical photons)
 RFRNDX    :    refraction index (for optical photons)
 SOEVSV    :    saving source events
 SOURCE    :    to generate any distribution for source particles
 STUPRE    :    set user variables (electrons and photons)
 STUPRF    :    set user variables (hadrons, muons and neutrinos)
 UBSSET    :    to override input biasing parameters
 UDCDRL    :    decay direction biasing
 USIMBS    :    user-defined importance biasing
 USREIN    :    event initialisation
 USREOU    :    post-event output
 USRGLO    :    user global settings
 USRHSC    :    user provided density scaling factors
 USRINI    :    user initialisation
 USRMED    :    to perform user driven biasing and/or particle selections
                on a material basis
 USROUT    :    user output
 USRRNC    :    user customisation of residual nuclei scoring
 USTCKV    :    user customisation of Cherenkov photon production
 WVLNSH    :    wave-length shitfing of optical photons

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