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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] PHYSICSallows to override the standard FLUKA defaults for physics processes.
1) SDUM = CHARMDECay: flag for charmed hadron and tau transport 2) SDUM = COALESCEnce: flag to activate the coalescence mechanism 3) SDUM = DECAYS: decays of pions+/-, muons+/-, Kaon+/- (e-nue, mu-numu, K+/-mu3 and K+/-e3 channels) and Klong (K0mu3 and K0e3 channels) 4) SDUM = DEDX-SETtings: settings for stopping power 5) SDUM = DPMTHREShold: lower energy threshold(s) for DPMJET 6) SDUM = EM-DISSOciation: ion electromagnetic-dissociation 7) SDUM = EVAPORAT: evaporation 8) SDUM = IONBRPAIr: activates or deactivates heavy ion direct pair production and nuclear form factors in delta ray production 9) SDUM = IONSPLITting: activates the superposition model, \ie\ ion splitting into nucleons 10) SDUM = LIMITS: sets the maximum (pp) CMS momentum (used for initialization of high energy models, typically DPMJET) 11) SDUM = NEUTRINO: selects which neutrino interactions are activated 12) SDUM = PEATHREShold: set the upper thresholds for the PEANUT model 13) SDUM = QMDTHREShold: lower energy thresholds for RQMD, MYRQMD, BME and complete fusion For SDUM = CHARMDECay: WHAT(1) : flag for charmed hadron and tau decays =< -1.0 : resets to default = 0.0 : ignored = 1.0 : charmed hadrons and tau leptons are transported WHAT(2)-WHAT(6) : not used Default = decay at production, no transport For SDUM = COALESCEnce: WHAT(1) : coalescence flag < 0.0 : false (no coalescence) = 0.0 : ignored > 0.0 : true, coalescence is activated Default = no coalescence WHAT(2)-WHAT(3): reserved to developers' use For SDUM = DECAYS: WHAT(1) : flag for particle decay =< -1.0: resets to default = 0.0: ignored = 1.0: maximum accuracy, polarisation accounted for in pi/K --> mu(e)-numu(nue) decays and following mu decays = 2.0: maximum accuracy, polarisation not accounted for = 3.0: phase space like decays 200 > WHAT(1) >= 100 : leptonic decays only are allowed (implemented only for tau's). WHAT(1) - 100 has the same meaning as above 300 > WHAT(1) >= 200 : hadronic decays only are allowed (implemented only for tau's). WHAT(1) - 200 has the same meaning as above Default = 1.0 (maximum accuracy and polarisation for both hadronic and leptonic decays) WHAT(2)-WHAT(3): not used WHAT(4) = lower bound of the particle numbers (or corresponding names) to which the decay flag chosen by WHAT(1) applies ("From particle WHAT(4)..."). Default = 1.0 WHAT(5) = upper bound of the particle numbers (or corresponding names) to which the decay flag chosen by WHAT(1) applies ("...to particle WHAT(5)..."). Default = WHAT(4) WHAT(6) = step length in assigning numbers ("...in steps of WHAT(6)") Default = 1.0. For SDUM = DEDX-SETtings: WHAT(1) = flag for nuclear stopping power >= 1: nuclear stopping power accounted for = 0: ignored < -1: nuclear stopping power not accounted for Default = 1.0 (nuclear stopping power accounted for) WHAT(2) = flag for using predefined compound material (e.g. water) parameters when computing dE/dx >= 1: predefined compound material parameters used = 0: ignored =< -1: predefined compound material parameters not used Default = 1.0 (use predefined compound material parameters) WHAT(3) = flag for Barkas corrections >= 1: Barkas corrections accounted for = 0: ignored =< -1: Barkas corrections not accounted for Default = 1.0 (apply Barkas corrections) WHAT(4) = flag for accounting for Bloch corrections >= 1: Bloch corrections accounted for = 0: ignored =< -1: Bloch corrections not accounted for Default = 1.0 (apply Bloch corrections) WHAT(5)-WHAT(6): not used For SDUM = DPMTHREShold: WHAT(1) : minimum DPMJET kinetic energy for hadrons (GeV) =< 0.0 : ignored WHAT(2) : minimum DPMJET kinetic energy for ions (GeV/n) =< 0.0 : ignored WHAT(3) : minimum RQMD kinetic energy for ions (GeV/n) =< 0.0 : ignored WHAT(4) : smearing (+/- Delta E, GeV/n) for the RQMD-DPMJET switch energy < 0.0 : resets to default (0.0) Default = 0.0 WHAT(5) : smearing (+/- Delta E, GeV/n) for the FLUKA-DPMJET switch energy for hA interactions < 0.0 : resets to default (0.0) Default = 0.0 WHAT(6) : flag for restricting DPMJET h-A interactions to primary particles only =< -1.0 : resets to default (false) =< 0.0 : ignored > 0.0 : sets to true Default = -1.0 (no restriction to primary particles only) Default (no DPMTHREShold option): DPMJET is not called for h-A interactions, but it is called for A-A interactions down to 5 GeV/n. RQMD is called between 5 and 0.1 GeV/n. WARNING: to activate ion interactions refer to the IONTRANS card WARNING: the FLUKA executable must be built with the DPMJET and RQMD libraries to perform A-A interactions above 100 MeV/n (see ldpmqmd script in $FLUPRO/flutil) For SDUM = EM-DISSOciation: WHAT(1) : flag for activating ion electromagnetic-dissociation =< -1.0 : resets to default (no em-dissociation) = 0.0 : ignored = 1.0 : no em-dissociation = 2.0 : projectile and target em-dissociation activated = 3.0 : projectile only em-dissociation activated = 4.0 : target only em-dissociation activated Default = 1.0 (no em-dissociation) WHAT(2)-WHAT(6): not used For SDUM = EVAPORATion: WHAT(1) : flag for FLUKA evaporation model =< -1.0 : resets to default (new model, no heavy fragment evaporation) = 0.0 : ignored = 1.0 : old evaporation model (OBSOLETE: kept for developers' use only) = 2.0 : new evaporation model, no heavy fragment evaporation = 3.0 : new evaporation model, with heavy fragment evaporation (CPU expensive, see Note below) Default = 2.0 (new evaporation model, no heavy fragment evaporation) WHAT(2)-WHAT(6): not used For SDUM = IONBRPAIr: WHAT(1) = flag for (de)activating heavy ion direct pair production < 0: heavy ion direct pair production is deactivated = 0: ignored > 0: activated (it still requires heavy pair production activated via PAIRBREM for the required materials) Default = 1.0 (heavy ion direct pair production is activated in the materials defined by PAIRBREM) WHAT(2) = flag for (de)activating heavy ion bremsstrahlung (not yet implemented) WHAT(3) = flag for (de)activating nuclear form factor effects in heavy ion delta ray production < 0: nuclear form factor effects are deactivated = 0: ignored > 0: nuclear form factor effects are activated (it still needs delta ray production activated via DELTARAY for the required materials) Default = 1.0 (nuclear form factor effects in heavy ion delta ray production are activated in the materials defined by DELTARAY) WHAT(4)-WHAT(6): not used For SDUM = IONSPLITting: WHAT(1) : flag for activating ion splitting into nucleons < 0.0 : false, no ion splitting = 0.0 : ignored > 0.0 : true: ion splitting is activated Default = -1.0 (no ion splitting) WHAT(2) : minimum energy for ions (GeV/n) above which splitting into nucleons will be performed =< 0.0 : ignored Default = 0.1 GeV/n WHAT(3) : maximum energy for ions (GeV/n) below which splitting into nucleons will be performed (default: 5 GeV/n) =< 0.0 : ignored WHAT(4)-WHAT(6) : not used For SDUM = LIMITS: WHAT(1) = set the maximum (pp) CMS momentum (used for initialization of high energy models, typically DPMJET) < 0: reset to default = 0: ignored > 0: maximum (pp) CMS momentum (GeV/c) Default: determined by the BEAM card WHAT(2)-WHAT(6): not used For SDUM = NEUTRINO: WHAT(1) : flag for activating quasielastic (QE) neutrino interactions = 1.0 : QE neutral current (NC) activated = 2.0 : QE charged current (CC) activated = 3.0 : QE NC and CC activated < 0.0 : no QE interactions = 0.0 : ignored Default: 3.0 (QE NC and CC activated) WHAT(2) : flag for activating resonant (RES) neutrino interactions = 1.0 : RES neutral current (NC) activated = 2.0 : RES charged current (CC) activated = 3.0 : RES NC and CC activated < 0.0 : no RES interactions = 0.0 : ignored Default: 3.0 (RES NC and CC activated) WHAT(3) : flag for activating deep inelastic (DIS) neutrino interactions = 1.0 : DIS neutral current (NC) activated = 2.0 : DIS charged current (CC) activated = 3.0 : DIS NC and CC activated < 0.0 : no DIS interactions = 0.0 : ignored Default: 3.0 (DIS NC and CC activated) WHAT(4) : flag for activating charm production (CHA) in DIS neutrino interactions = 1.0 : CHA neutral current (NC) activated (not yet implemented) = 2.0 : CHA charged current (CC) activated = 3.0 : CHA NC and CC activated < 0.0 : no CHA interactions = 0.0 : ignored Default: 3.0 (CHA CC activated, but NC not yet implemented) WHAT(5)-WHAT(6): not used For SDUM = PEATHREShold: WHAT(1) : maximum PEANUT kinetic energy for nucleons (GeV) =< 0.0 : ignored WHAT(2) : maximum PEANUT kinetic energy for pions (GeV) =< 0.0 : ignored WHAT(3) : maximum PEANUT kinetic energy for kaons (GeV) =< 0.0 : ignored WHAT(4) : maximum PEANUT kinetic energy for kaonbars (GeV) =< 0.0 : ignored WHAT(5) : maximum PEANUT kinetic energy for antinucleons (GeV) =< 0.0 : ignored WHAT(6) : maximum PEANUT kinetic energy for (anti)hyperons (GeV) =< 0.0 : ignored Default (no PEATHREShold option): PEANUT is called up to 5 GeV kinetic energy for all hadrons For SDUM = QMDTHREShold: WHAT(1) = minimum my-QMD kinetic energy for ions (GeV/n) =< 0: ignored WHAT(2) = minimum BME kinetic energy for ions (GeV/n) =< 0: ignored WHAT(3) = smearing (+/- DeltaE, GeV/n) for the my-QMD-RQMD switch energy < 0: resets to default Default = 0.0 WHAT(4) = smearing (+/- DeltaE, GeV/n) for the BME-my-QMD switch energy < 0: resets to default Default = 0.0 WHAT(5) = maximum kinetic energy for ion complete fusion (GeV/n) WHAT(6) = smearing (+/- DeltaE, GeV/n) for the BME-RQMD switch energy < 0: set to 0.0 Default = 0.025 GeV/n For SDUM = RQMDFLAG: WHAT(1) = fast cascade/QMD flag = 1: fast cascade = 0: ignored = -1: QMD mode WHAT(2) = preequilibrium step flag = 1: preequilibrium step activated = 0: ignored = -1: no preequilibrium step WHAT(3)-WHAT(6) = not used Default (option PHYSICS not given): standard FLUKA treatment of physics processes Note: In order to achieve accurate results for residual nuclei production the evaporation of heavy fragments MUST be activated. This, however, is not the default since it brings a heavy CPU burden, and is not needed for most applications. Examples: * Only hadronic decays are allowed for tau+ and tau- (id-number 41 and 42) *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 PHYSICS 201.0 0.0 0.0 41.0 42.0 0. DECAYS * Maximum accuracy requested for decay of pi+ and pi-(id-number 13 and 14), * but without accounting for polarisation * Phase space PHYSICS 2.0 0.0 0.0 13.0 14.0 0. DECAYS * New evaporation model requested PHYSICS 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. EVAPORAT |
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