Last version:
FLUKA 2024.1.2, October 16th 2024
(last respin 2024.1.2)
flair-2.3-0e 06-May-2024


-- Fluka Release
( 16.10.2024 )

FLUKA 2024.1.2 has been released.
New FLUKA reference, please read and cite it:
F. Ballarini et al., The FLUKA code: Overview and new developments, EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 10, 16 (2024)

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allows to override the standard FLUKA defaults for physics processes.


This command concerns the following physics processes:

    1) SDUM = CHARMDECay: flag for charmed hadron and tau transport
    2) SDUM = COALESCEnce: flag to activate the coalescence mechanism
    3) SDUM = DECAYS: decays of pions+/-, muons+/-, Kaon+/- (e-nue, mu-numu,
       K+/-mu3 and K+/-e3 channels) and Klong (K0mu3 and K0e3 channels)
    4) SDUM = DEDX-SETtings: settings for stopping power
    5) SDUM = DPMTHREShold: lower energy threshold(s) for DPMJET
    6) SDUM = EM-DISSOciation: ion electromagnetic-dissociation
    7) SDUM = EVAPORAT: evaporation
    8) SDUM = IONBRPAIr: activates or deactivates heavy ion direct pair
       production and nuclear form factors in delta ray production
    9) SDUM = IONSPLITting: activates the superposition model, \ie\ ion
       splitting into nucleons
   10) SDUM = LIMITS: sets the maximum (pp) CMS momentum (used for
       initialization of high energy models, typically DPMJET)
   11) SDUM = NEUTRINO: selects which neutrino interactions are activated
   12) SDUM = PEATHREShold: set the upper thresholds for the PEANUT model
   13) SDUM = QMDTHREShold: lower energy thresholds for RQMD, MYRQMD, BME
       and complete fusion


     WHAT(1)  : flag for charmed hadron and tau decays
              =< -1.0 : resets to default
              =   0.0 : ignored
              =   1.0 : charmed hadrons and tau leptons are transported
     WHAT(2)-WHAT(6)  : not used
               Default = decay at production, no transport


     WHAT(1)  : coalescence flag
             <  0.0  : false (no coalescence)
             =  0.0  : ignored
             >  0.0  : true, coalescence is activated
               Default = no coalescence

     WHAT(2)-WHAT(3): reserved to developers' use


     WHAT(1) : flag for particle decay
             =< -1.0: resets to default
             =   0.0: ignored
             =   1.0: maximum accuracy, polarisation accounted for in pi/K
                 --> mu(e)-numu(nue) decays and following mu decays
             =   2.0: maximum accuracy, polarisation not accounted for
             =   3.0: phase space like decays
     200 > WHAT(1) >= 100 : leptonic decays only are allowed (implemented only
                 for tau's). WHAT(1) - 100 has the same meaning as above
     300 > WHAT(1) >= 200 : hadronic decays only are allowed (implemented only
                 for tau's). WHAT(1) - 200 has the same meaning as above
               Default = 1.0 (maximum accuracy and polarisation for both
                              hadronic and leptonic decays)

     WHAT(2)-WHAT(3): not used

     WHAT(4) = lower bound of the particle numbers (or corresponding names) to
               which the decay flag chosen by WHAT(1) applies
               ("From particle WHAT(4)...").
               Default = 1.0

     WHAT(5) = upper bound of the particle numbers (or corresponding names) to
               which the decay flag chosen by WHAT(1) applies
               (" particle WHAT(5)...").
               Default = WHAT(4)

     WHAT(6) = step length in assigning numbers
               (" steps of WHAT(6)")
               Default = 1.0.

For SDUM = DEDX-SETtings:

     WHAT(1) = flag for nuclear stopping power
            >= 1: nuclear stopping power accounted for
             = 0: ignored
            < -1: nuclear stopping power not accounted for
               Default = 1.0 (nuclear stopping power accounted for)

     WHAT(2) = flag for using predefined compound material (e.g. water)
                  parameters when computing dE/dx
            >= 1: predefined compound material parameters used
             = 0: ignored
           =< -1: predefined compound material parameters not used
               Default = 1.0 (use predefined compound material parameters)

     WHAT(3) = flag for Barkas corrections
           >= 1: Barkas corrections accounted for
            = 0: ignored
          =< -1: Barkas corrections not accounted for
               Default = 1.0 (apply Barkas corrections)

     WHAT(4) = flag for accounting for Bloch corrections
           >= 1: Bloch  corrections accounted for
            = 0: ignored
          =< -1: Bloch corrections not accounted for
               Default = 1.0 (apply Bloch corrections)

     WHAT(5)-WHAT(6): not used


     WHAT(1) : minimum DPMJET kinetic energy for hadrons (GeV)
             =<  0.0 : ignored

     WHAT(2) : minimum DPMJET kinetic energy for ions (GeV/n)
             =<  0.0 : ignored

     WHAT(3) : minimum RQMD kinetic energy for ions (GeV/n)
             =<  0.0 : ignored

     WHAT(4) : smearing (+/- Delta E, GeV/n) for the RQMD-DPMJET switch energy
             <   0.0 : resets to default (0.0)
               Default = 0.0

     WHAT(5) : smearing (+/- Delta E, GeV/n) for the FLUKA-DPMJET switch energy
               for hA interactions
             <   0.0 : resets to default (0.0)
               Default = 0.0

     WHAT(6) : flag for restricting DPMJET h-A interactions to primary particles
             =< -1.0 : resets to default (false)
             =<  0.0 : ignored
             >   0.0 : sets to true
               Default = -1.0 (no restriction to primary particles only)

     Default (no DPMTHREShold option): DPMJET is not called for h-A interactions,
             but it is called for A-A interactions down to 5 GeV/n. RQMD is
             called between 5 and 0.1 GeV/n.
     WARNING: to activate ion interactions refer to the IONTRANS card
     WARNING: the FLUKA executable must be built with the DPMJET and RQMD
              libraries to perform A-A interactions above 100 MeV/n (see ldpmqmd
              script in $FLUPRO/flutil)

For SDUM = EM-DISSOciation:

     WHAT(1) : flag for activating ion electromagnetic-dissociation
             =< -1.0 : resets to default (no em-dissociation)
             =   0.0 : ignored
             =   1.0 : no em-dissociation
             =   2.0 : projectile and target em-dissociation activated
             =   3.0 : projectile only em-dissociation activated
             =   4.0 : target only em-dissociation activated
               Default = 1.0 (no em-dissociation)

     WHAT(2)-WHAT(6): not used


     WHAT(1) : flag for FLUKA evaporation model
             =< -1.0 : resets to default (new model, no heavy fragment
             =   0.0 : ignored
             =   1.0 : old evaporation model (OBSOLETE: kept for developers' use
             =   2.0 : new evaporation model, no heavy fragment evaporation
             =   3.0 : new evaporation model, with heavy fragment evaporation
                       (CPU expensive, see Note below)
               Default = 2.0 (new evaporation model, no heavy fragment

     WHAT(2)-WHAT(6): not used

     For SDUM = IONBRPAIr:

     WHAT(1) = flag for (de)activating heavy ion direct pair production
           < 0: heavy ion direct pair production is deactivated
           = 0: ignored
           > 0: activated (it still requires heavy pair production activated via
                PAIRBREM for the required materials)
               Default = 1.0 (heavy ion direct pair production is activated in
                the materials defined by PAIRBREM)
     WHAT(2) = flag for (de)activating heavy ion bremsstrahlung  (not yet

     WHAT(3) = flag for (de)activating nuclear form factor effects in heavy ion
               delta ray production
           < 0: nuclear form factor effects are deactivated
           = 0: ignored
           > 0: nuclear form factor effects are activated (it still needs delta
                ray production activated via DELTARAY for the required
               Default = 1.0 (nuclear form factor effects in heavy ion delta ray
                production are activated in the materials defined by DELTARAY)

     WHAT(4)-WHAT(6): not used


     WHAT(1) : flag for activating ion splitting into nucleons
             <  0.0  : false, no ion splitting
             =  0.0  : ignored
             >  0.0  : true: ion splitting is activated
               Default = -1.0 (no ion splitting)

     WHAT(2) : minimum energy for ions (GeV/n) above which splitting into
               nucleons will be performed
             =< 0.0  : ignored
               Default = 0.1 GeV/n

     WHAT(3) : maximum energy for ions (GeV/n) below which splitting into
               nucleons will be performed (default: 5 GeV/n)
             =< 0.0  : ignored

     WHAT(4)-WHAT(6) : not used


     WHAT(1) = set the maximum (pp) CMS momentum (used for initialization of
               high energy models, typically DPMJET)
             < 0: reset to default
             = 0: ignored
             > 0: maximum (pp) CMS momentum (GeV/c)
               Default: determined by the BEAM card

     WHAT(2)-WHAT(6): not used


     WHAT(1) : flag for activating quasielastic (QE) neutrino interactions
             =  1.0  : QE neutral current (NC) activated
             =  2.0  : QE charged current (CC) activated
             =  3.0  : QE NC and CC activated
             <  0.0  : no QE interactions
             =  0.0  : ignored
                Default: 3.0 (QE NC and CC activated)

     WHAT(2) : flag for activating resonant (RES) neutrino interactions
             =  1.0  : RES neutral current (NC) activated
             =  2.0  : RES charged current (CC) activated
             =  3.0  : RES NC and CC activated
             <  0.0  : no RES interactions
             =  0.0  : ignored
                Default: 3.0 (RES NC and CC activated)

     WHAT(3) : flag for activating deep inelastic (DIS) neutrino interactions
             =  1.0  : DIS neutral current (NC) activated
             =  2.0  : DIS charged current (CC) activated
             =  3.0  : DIS NC and CC activated
             <  0.0  : no DIS interactions
             =  0.0  : ignored
                Default: 3.0 (DIS NC and CC activated)

     WHAT(4) : flag for activating charm production (CHA) in DIS neutrino
             =  1.0  : CHA neutral current (NC) activated (not yet implemented)
             =  2.0  : CHA charged current (CC) activated
             =  3.0  : CHA NC and CC activated
             <  0.0  : no CHA interactions
             =  0.0  : ignored
                Default: 3.0 (CHA CC activated, but NC not yet implemented)

     WHAT(5)-WHAT(6): not used


     WHAT(1) : maximum PEANUT kinetic energy for nucleons (GeV)
             =<  0.0 : ignored
     WHAT(2) : maximum PEANUT kinetic energy for pions    (GeV)
             =<  0.0 : ignored
     WHAT(3) : maximum PEANUT kinetic energy for kaons    (GeV)
             =<  0.0 : ignored
     WHAT(4) : maximum PEANUT kinetic energy for kaonbars (GeV)
             =<  0.0 : ignored
     WHAT(5) : maximum PEANUT kinetic energy for antinucleons (GeV)
             =<  0.0 : ignored
     WHAT(6) : maximum PEANUT kinetic energy for (anti)hyperons (GeV)
             =<  0.0 : ignored
     Default (no PEATHREShold option): PEANUT is called up to 5 GeV kinetic
             energy for all hadrons


     WHAT(1) = minimum my-QMD kinetic energy for ions (GeV/n)
             =< 0: ignored

     WHAT(2) = minimum BME kinetic energy for ions (GeV/n)
             =< 0: ignored

     WHAT(3) = smearing (+/- DeltaE, GeV/n) for the my-QMD-RQMD switch energy
             < 0: resets to default
               Default = 0.0

     WHAT(4) = smearing (+/- DeltaE, GeV/n) for the BME-my-QMD switch energy
             < 0: resets to default
               Default = 0.0

     WHAT(5) = maximum kinetic energy for ion complete fusion (GeV/n)

     WHAT(6) = smearing (+/- DeltaE, GeV/n) for the BME-RQMD switch energy

             < 0: set to 0.0
               Default = 0.025 GeV/n


     WHAT(1) = fast cascade/QMD flag
             = 1: fast cascade
             = 0: ignored
             = -1: QMD mode

     WHAT(2) = preequilibrium step flag
             = 1: preequilibrium step activated
             = 0: ignored
             = -1: no preequilibrium step

     WHAT(3)-WHAT(6) = not used

     Default (option PHYSICS not given): standard FLUKA treatment of
             physics processes


         In order to achieve accurate  results for residual nuclei production
         the evaporation of heavy fragments MUST be activated. This, however,
         is not the default since it brings a heavy CPU burden, and is not
         needed for most applications.


 * Only hadronic decays are allowed for tau+ and tau- (id-number 41 and 42)
 PHYSICS        201.0       0.0       0.0      41.0      42.0       0. DECAYS
 * Maximum accuracy requested for decay of pi+ and pi-(id-number 13 and 14),
 * but without accounting for polarisation
 * Phase space
 PHYSICS          2.0       0.0       0.0      13.0      14.0       0. DECAYS
 * New evaporation model requested
 PHYSICS          2.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0. EVAPORAT

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