Last version:
FLUKA 2024.1.2, October 16th 2024
(last respin 2024.1.2)
flair-2.3-0e 06-May-2024


-- Fluka Release
( 16.10.2024 )

FLUKA 2024.1.2 has been released.

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Scores residual nuclei produced in inelastic interactions on a region basis.

     WHAT(1) :  type of products to be scored
          = 1.0 : spallation products (all inelastic interactions except
                  those induced by neutrons below the threshold for
                  multigroup treatment)
          = 2.0 : low energy products, i.e. those produced by neutrons
                  below the threshold for multigroup treatment (provided
                  the information is available, see Note 1).
          = 3.0 : all residual nuclei are scored (if available, see above)
         <= 0.0 : resets the default (= 1.0)
          Default = 1.0

     WHAT(2) = logical output unit
          > 0.0 : formatted data are written on the WHAT(2) unit
          < 0.0 : unformatted data are written on the |WHAT(2)| unit
               Values of |WHAT(1)| < 21 should be avoided (with the
               exception of WHAT(1) = +11).
          = 0.0 : resets the default = 11.0
               Default = 11.0 (standard output unit)

     WHAT(3) = Maximum atomic number Z of the residual nuclei distribution
               Default: according to the Z of the element(s) of the
                        material assigned to the scoring region

     WHAT(4) = Maximum M = N - Z - (NMZ)_min of the residual nuclei
               distribution (see Notes 2 and 3 below)
               Default: according to the A, Z of the element(s) of the
                        material assigned to the scoring region.

     WHAT(5) = scoring region number or name
             = -1: all regions (see Note 10)
               Default = 1.0

     WHAT(6) = volume of the region in cm**3
               Default = 1.0

     SDUM    = any character string identifying the detector
               (max. 10 characters)


  • 1) Elements or isotopes for which the FLUKA low-energy neutron cross sections contain information on the production of residual nuclei are indicated by "Y" in the "RN" column of the Table in (10) where the components of the neutron cross section library are listed. The same information can be obtained by setting the printing flag in the LOW-NEUT option (WHAT(4) > 0.0). If such data are available for a given nuclide, the following message is printed on standard output:

  • 2) To minimise storage, nuclei are indexed by Z (with Z_min =
  • 1) and NMZ = N - Z (with (NMZ)_min = -5). The parameter M is defined as M = NMZ - (NMZ)_min: therefore M_min = 1. The following relations can also be useful:
               N - Z = M + (NMZ)_min         N = M + Z + (NMZ)_min

  • 3) In the case of heavy ion projectiles the default NMZ, based on the region material, is not necessarily sufficient to score all the residual nuclei, which could include possible ion fragments.

  • 4) In order to achieve reasonable results for residual nuclei production the new evaporation module must be activated (it is the default) and heavy fragment evaporation should also be activated (it is not the default because of the related large CPU penalty). Coalescence should also be activated (see option PHYSICS for all these settings). The old evaporation is still available, mostly because of historical reasons, but it does not produce meaningful results for residuals. The new evaporation, available since 1997, is far more sophisticated in this respect, while differences in emitted particle spectra and multiplicities are weak.

  • 5) Starting with Fluka2006.3 protons are scored, together with 2-H, 3-H, 3-He, 4-He, at the end of their path, if transported (see option IONTRANS). This is a change with respect to previous versions where protons were not scored.
  • 6) All residual nuclei are scored when they have been fully de-excited down to their ground or isomeric state.

  • 7) Radioactive decay of residual nuclei can be performed by FLUKA in the same run (see commands RADDECAY, DCYSCORE, DCYTIMES and IRRPROFIle) or can be done off-line by a user-written code (see for instance the program USRSUWEV available with the normal FLUKA distribution).

  • 8) An example on how to read RESNUCLEi unformatted output is given below. An explanation of the meaning of the different variables is given in the comments at the beginning of the program. The program lists the Z and A of the produced nuclei, followed by the corresponding amount per unit volume.

  • 9) A more complex program USRSUW, which allows to compute also standard deviations over several runs, is available with the normal FLUKA code distribution in directory $FLUPRO/flutil. A special version of the same program, USRSUWEV, provides in addition a calculation of induced activity and of its evolution in time.
  • 10) Setting WHAT(5) = -1 will provide the sum of the residual nuclei in all regions, divided by the value set by the user for WHAT(6).

 *     Up to MXRSNC user defined track or coll are allowed             *
 *            izrhgh = maximum Z of the scoring (minimum Z: 1)         *
 *            imrhgh = maximum M=N-Z-NMZ_min of the scoring            *
 *                    (minimum M: 1). Note:                            *
 *                     N-Z = M + NMZ_min, N = M + Z + NMZ_min          *
 *            itursn = type of binning: 1 = spallation products,       *
 *                     2 = low energy neutrons products,               *
 *                     3 = all products                                *
 *            nrursn = region                                          *
 *            vursnc = volume (cm**3) of the detector                  *
 *            tiursn = scoring name                                    *
       PARAMETER ( MXRSNC = 400 )


       WRITE(*,*)' Type the name of the input file:'
       READ (*,'(A)') FILNAM
       LQ = INDEX(FILNAM,' ') - 1
 *----------- read and write 1st record ---------------------------------
 *------- loop on residual nuclei detector data in the present file -----
       DO 1 IRN = 1, MXRSNC
          READ (1, END=1000) NRN, TIURSN(NRN), ITURSN(NRN),
          IF (ABS(ITURSN(NRN)) .LE. 1) THEN
             WRITE (2,200) NRN, TIURSN(NRN), NRURSN(NRN),
      &        VURSNC(NRN), IZRHGH(NRN), IMRHGH(NRN) + K, K + 1
          ELSE IF (ABS(ITURSN(NRN)) .LE. 2) THEN
             WRITE (2,300) NRN, TIURSN(NRN), NRURSN(NRN),
      &        VURSNC(NRN), IZRHGH(NRN), IMRHGH(NRN) + K, K + 1
             WRITE (2,400) NRN, TIURSN(NRN), NRURSN(NRN),
      &        VURSNC(NRN), IZRHGH(NRN), IMRHGH(NRN) + K, K + 1
          END IF
          WRITE(2,'(/,A)') '   Z   A   Residual nuclei'
          WRITE(2,'(A,/)') '         per cm**3 per primary'
          READ (1) ((RNDATA(NRN,I,J), I=1,IZRHGH(NRN)), J=1,IMRHGH(NRN))
          DO 2 I = 1, IZRHGH(NRN)
             DO 3 J = 1, IMRHGH(NRN)
                IF(RNDATA(NRN,I,J) .GT. 0.)
      &         WRITE(2,'(2I4,1P, G15.6)') I, J+K+2*I, RNDATA(NRN,I,J)
   3         CONTINUE
   2      CONTINUE
  100  FORMAT(/,1X,'*****',2X,A80,2X,'*****',/,/,10X,A32,/,/,
      &        10X,'Total number of particles followed ',I9,', for a ',
      &        'total weight of ',1P,E15.8,/)
  200  FORMAT (/,3X,'Res. nuclei n. ',I3,'  "',A10,
      &        '" , "high" energy products, region n. ',I5,
      &        /,6X,'detector volume: ',1P,E11.4,' cm**3',/
      &          6X,'Max. Z: ',I3,', Max. N-Z: ',I3,' Min. N-Z:',I3)
  300  FORMAT (/,3X,'Res. nuclei n. ',I3,'  "',A10,
      &        '" , "low"  energy products, region n. ',I5,
      &        /,6X,'detector volume: ',1P,E11.4,' cm**3',/
      &          6X,'Max. Z: ',I3,', Max. N-Z: ',I3,' Min. N-Z:',I3)
  400  FORMAT (/,3X,'Res. nuclei n. ',I3,'  "',A10,
      &        '" ,  all         products, region n. ',I5,
      &        /,6X,'detector volume: ',1P,E11.4,' cm**3',/
      &          6X,'Max. Z: ',I3,', Max. N-Z: ',I3,' Min. N-Z:',I3)


 * Calculate residual nuclei produced in an iron slab (region 6) and in a zinc
 * vessel (region 10). Heavy recoils are transported (option IONTRANS) and scored
 * at the point where they stop. The new evaporation model is activated to ensure
 * a better quality of the results. For iron, all residual nuclei are scored. For
 * zinc, no data are available for low-energy neutrons, so only nuclei produced
 * by spallation/evaporation are scored. Results are written (formatted) on
 * logical unit 22 and 23, respectively.
 MATERIAL        26.0    55.847      7.87       11.       0.0       0. IRON
 MATERIAL        30.0     65.39     7.133       12.       0.0       0. ZINC
 ASSIGNMAT       11.0       6.0       9.0       0.0   !  Four Fe slabs
 ASSIGNMAT       12.0      10.0       0.0       0.0   !  Zn vessel
 IONTRANS        -2.0
 PHYSICS          2.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0. EVAPORAT
 RESNUCLEI        3.0      22.0       0.0       0.0       6.0       0. FirstFe
 RESNUCLEI        1.0      23.0       0.0       0.0      10.0       0. Znvessel

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