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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] ROT-DEFIniDefines rotations and translations to be applied to binnings and lattices
WHAT(1) : assigns a transformation index and the corresponding rotation axis =< 0.0 : the card is ignored if SDUM is empty, otherwise SDUM is kept as the rotation name, and the first free rotation number is used > 1000 : interpreted as j + i * 1000 > 100 and < 1000 : interpreted as i + j * 100 (note the inversion of i and j!) > 0 and =< 100 : interpreted as i, and j assumed to be = 0 where i = index of the rotation j = 1 rotation with respect to x axis = 2 rotation with respect to y axis = 0 or 3 rotation with respect to z axis (see Note 4) Default = 0.0 (no transformation defined) WHAT(2) = Polar angle of the rotation (Theta, 0...180 degrees) Default = no default WHAT(3) = Azimuthal angle of the rotation (Phi, -180...180 degrees) Default = no default WHAT(4) = X_offset for the translation Default = no default WHAT(5) = Y_offset for the translation Default = no default WHAT(6) = Z_offset for the translation Default = no default SDUM : name of the transformation Default: a name will provided by the program Default (option ROT-DEFIni not given): no transformation is defined Notes:
j = 1 : | X_new | | cth sth 0 | | 1 0 0 | | X_old+X_offset | | Y_new | = | -sth cth 0 | | 0 cph sph | | Y_old+Y_offset | | Z_new | | 0 0 1 | | 0 -sph cph | | Z_old+Z_offset | j = 2 : | X_new | | 1 0 0 | | cph 0 -sph | | X_old+X_offset | | Y_new | = | 0 cth sth | | 0 1 0 | | Y_old+Y_offset | | Z_new | | 0 -sth cth | | sph 0 cph | | Z_old+Z_offset | j = 3 : | X_new | | cth 0 -sth | | cph sph 0 | | X_old+X_offset | | Y_new | = | 0 1 0 | | -sph cph 0 | | Y_old+Y_offset | | Z_new | | sth 0 cth | | 0 0 1 | | Z_old+Z_offset | Rij = Tik Pkj | X_new | | cph cth sph cth -sth | | X_old+X_offset | | Y_new | = | -sph cph 0 | | Y_old+Y_offset | | Z_new | | cph sth sph sth cth | | Z_old+Z_offset | and the inverse R(^-1)ij = P(^-1)ik T(^-1)kj | X_old | | cph -sph 0 | | cth 0 sth | |X_new| |X_offset| | Y_old | = | sph cph 0 | | 0 1 0 | |Y_new|-|Y_offset| | Z_old | | 0 0 1 | | -sth 0 cth | |Z_new| |Z_offset| | X_old | | cph cth -sph cph sth | | X_new | | X_offset | | Y_old | = | sph cth cph sph sth | | Y_new |-| Y_offset | | Z_old | | -sth 0 cth | | Z_new | | Z_offset | For example:
(assume zero offset and [x,y,z] = old frame, [x',y',z'] = new frame)
j = 1: x' = y j = 2: x' = x j = 3: x' = -z y' = -x y' = z y' = y z' = z z' = -y z' = x Theta = 0, Phi = pi/2: j = 1: x' = x j = 2: x' = -z j = 3: x' = y y' = z y' = y y' = -x z' = -y z' = x z' = z That is, the vector which has position angles Theta and Phi with respect to the j_th axis in the original system, will become the j_th axis in the rotated system. For the special case Theta=0 this implies a rotation of Phi in the original frame. In practice it is more convenient to think about the inverse rotation, the one which takes the j_th versor into the versor with Theta and Phi
Example (number based): *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 ROT-DEFI 201.0 0.0 90.0 -100.0 80.0 -500.0 USRBIN 11.0 201.0 70.0 30.0 0.0 1000.0tot-dose USRBIN 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 1.0 6.0& ROTPRBIN -1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 * Here the transformation is applied to a cylindrical binning. * Track-lengths are scored in the binning with its axis * parallel to the x-axis of the coordinate frame: * Xmin = 100.0, Xmax = 1100.0 * Rmin = 0.0, Rmax = 30.0 * ( Y , Z ) coordinate of the binning axis = ( -80.0 , 500.0 ) The same example, name based: *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 ROT-DEFI 201.0 0.0 90.0 -100.0 80.0 -500. FromZtoX USRBIN 11.0 201.0 70.0 30.0 0.0 1000.0tot-dose USRBIN 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 1.0 6.0& ROTPRBIN -1.0 FromZtoX 0.0 tot-dose 0.0 0.0 |
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