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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] SCOREDefines the (generalised) particles producing the stars to be
scored in each region.
Requests scoring of energy deposition in each region.
WHAT(1..4) : id-numbers identifying the particles or generalised particles (see (5) for a list of particle numbers). Depending on the (generalised) particle type, different quantities are scored in each region (see Notes 3, 4a): * For hadrons, photons, muons: stars * For generalised particles 208.0 and 211.0: energy deposition (Notes 4b, 4c) * For generalised particles 219.0, 220.0 and 221.0: fissions (Note 4d) * For generalised particle 222.0, neutron balance (Note 4e) * For generalised particles 229.0 and 230.0: unbiased energy deposition (Note 4f) = 0.0: no scoring per region of any of the quantities listed above Default: 201.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 (score stars produced by all particles) WHAT(5), WHAT(6), SDUM: not used Default (option SCORE not given): no scoring by region = 0.0 : no scoring per region of stars or energy deposited Default: 201.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 (score stars produced by all particles) WHAT(5), WHAT(6), SDUM : not used Default (option SCORE not given): no star or dose scoring by region Notes:
a - scoring by region the density of stars produced by the selected particles (if applicable, i.e. if the particles are hadrons, photons or muons, or families of them). Stars produced by primary particles can be scored with id-number 210.0 (BEAMPART), all stars with 201.0 (ALL-PART). Results will be in stars cm-3 per primary particle if region volumes have been input by setting IVOPT=3 in the geometry title card (see (8)), otherwise in stars per region per primary. b - scoring by region the total energy density, if generalised particle 208 (ENERGY) has been selected. Results will be in GeV cm-3 per primary if volumes have been input, otherwise in GeV per region per primary. To obtain dose in Gy, multiply GeV/cm3 by 1.602176462E-7/rho (rho = density in g/cm3): but the same result can be obtained scoring instead the generalised particle 228 (DOSE). c - scoring by region the energy density deposited by electrons, positrons and photons, if generalised particle 211 (EM-ENRGY) has been selected. Results as in the previous case. d - scoring by region of fissions (or fission density), if generalised particles 219.0 (FISSIONS), 220.0 (HE-FISS) or 221.0 (LE-FISS) have been selected. These generalised particles refer to all fissions, high-energy fissions and low-energy neutron fissions respectively. Results are in fissions/cm3 per primary if volumes are input, otherwise in number of fissions per primary. e - scoring by region of the neutron balance (outgoing minus incoming neutrons), if generalised particle 222.0 (NEU-BALA) has been selected. Results are in net number of neutrons per cm3 per primary if volumes are input, otherwise in net neutrons per primary. f - generalised particles 229.0 (UNB-ENER) and 230.0 (UNB-EMEN) are similar respectively to 208.0 (ENERGY) and 211.0 (EM-ENRGY), with the difference that the energy deposited is scored with weight 1, independent of the actual weight of the particle. Of course, the results will have no physical meaning, but in some circumstances they will provide useful information about the run itself (for instance in order to optimise biasing). g - scoring as in all cases above but separately for each primary event, if the EVENTDAT option is used (see).
Example 1: * Score stars produced in each region by protons, high-energy neutrons and pions. * Score also total energy deposition in each region. *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 SCORE 1.0 8.0 209.0 208.0 Example 2: * Score stars produced by primary particles (i.e., first interactions) in each * region. Score also in each region stars produced by photons (photonuclear * reactions) and energy deposited by electromagnetic showers. *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 SCORE 210.0 7.0 211.0 Example 3: * Score fissions produced in each region by high- and low-energy particles. * Score also the net neutron production in each region, and the kaon stars. *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 SCORE 220.0 221.0 222.0 215.0 |
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