Last version:
FLUKA 2024.1.0, April 30th 2024
(last respin 2024.1.0)
flair-2.3-0e 06-May-2024


-- New Fluka Major Release
( 06.05.2024 )

FLUKA 2024.1.0 is available.
Flair-2.3-0epy3 adapted

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defines the termination conditions, gets a primary from a beam or from a source and starts the transport


     WHAT(1) = maximum number of primary histories simulated in the run
               Default = 5000.

     WHAT(2) = not used

     WHAT(3) = time left for termination and printout (in seconds)
               Default: 80

     WHAT(4) = 1.0 : a core dump is triggered when the built-in abort routine,
                     FLABRT, is called

     WHAT(5) = 0.0 : a line reporting the number of calls to the random
                     number generator (in hexadecimal form) is printed at
                     the beginning of each history only for the first
                     ones, and then with decreasing frequency
             > 0.0 : the number of calls is printed at the beginning of
                     each history.

     WHAT(6) = time reserved for an interactive run (in seconds)
               Default: 100.0

     SDUM :    not used

     Default (option START not given): the other input cards are read
             and an echo is printed on the standard output, but no
             actual simulation is performed. However two input cards,
             both related to geometry, have an effect even if no
             START card is present: GEOEND (with SDUM = DEBUG) and
             In all cases in which particles are transported, START
             must ALWAYS be present.


  • 1) The interactive time limit indicated by WHAT(6) can be used only on some systems which can provide a signal when the time limit is approaching. On personal workstations, generally no time limit is enforced.

  • 2) It is also possible to terminate a FLUKA run before the pre-set time has expired or the total number of histories has been completed. To this effect, the user may create a "stopping file" (its content is irrelevant, since only its existence is checked by the program). When the program detects the existence of such a file, the time left is set to zero, the run is terminated at the end of the current history, and the stopping file itself is erased. The name of the stopping file is FLUKA$STOP on VAX, and fluka.stop or rfluka.stop on UNIX. While the presence of fluka.stop terminates only the current job, rfluka.stop also skips the successive jobs requested via the rfluka script.


 START        70000.0
 *  Request a run of 70000 primary particles

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