Last version:
FLUKA 2024.1.2, October 16th 2024
(last respin 2024.1.2)
flair-2.3-0e 06-May-2024


-- Fluka Release
( 16.10.2024 )

FLUKA 2024.1.2 has been released.

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allows to input Sternheimer density effect parameters

See also MAT-PROP

     WHAT(1) = Sternheimer -C (Cbar) parameter

     WHAT(2) = Sternheimer X0 parameter

     WHAT(3) = Sternheimer X1 parameter

     WHAT(4) = Sternheimer a  parameter

     WHAT(5) = Sternheimer m  parameter

     WHAT(6) = Sternheimer delta0 parameter (only for single elements)

     SDUM    = index of the material to which Sternheimer parameters
               apply. Exceptionally, here SDUM must be an integer
               number, in free format, rather than a character string.

     Default (option STERNHEIme not given): density effect parameters are
             computed according to the Sternheimer-Peierls general


  • 1) For gases the parameters are supposed to be given at 1.0 atm (NTP); the code takes care to scale them at the actual pressure as given by the MAT-PROP card. MAT-PROP can be used also to override the value of the average ionisation potential used by the program. Sternheimer parameters and ionisation potentials for elements, compounds and mixtures can be found in [Ste84].

  • 2) STERNHEIme is one of the two FLUKA options where SDUM is used to input numerical data. (Actually, the material number is first read as a string and then an internal reading is performed on the string to get the number).


 MATERIAL         29.    63.546      8.96       12.       0.0       0. COPPER
 STERNHEIme    4.4190   -0.0254    3.2792   0.14339    2.9044      0.08  12
 *  Use the copper Sternheimer parameters published in At. Data Nucl. Data
 *  Tab. 30, 261-271 (1984)

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